Thursday 18 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

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Araz News: Iran regime hanged seven prisoners in September 10, 2016 in the central prison in Bandar Abbas in Southern Iran....

Araz News: Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) militants opened fire on a Turkish border post on Sept. 7 and Turkish...

Araz News: Saudi Arabia’s top cleric said Iranians are “not Muslims”, after Iran’s supreme leader launched a fresh tirade over the...

Araz News:12 drug offenders were hanged in Karaj central detention centre. These prisoners were among the ones who were transferred...

Araz News: Members of the Arab Struggle Movement for the Liberation of Ahwaz (ASMLA) held a demonstration in front of the...

Araz News:  The Fiftieth year of Ashig Vali Abdi’s art activities was commemorated in South Azerbaijan-Ahar city on 31.08.2016. According...

Araz News: On  Aug 31, 2016, more than 1600 South Azerbaijan civil, National and cultural activists have released a statement to support...

Araz News: More than 42 Turk representatives of the Iranian parliament have prepared and signed a letter to Iranian President Hassan...

Araz News:  Ettelaat agents stormed into the Hasratan village(Residents of Novruzlu – Hasratan village located at the border of South...

Araz News:  Today 21th of August 2016, Another part of the “GOZLUK” program was broadcast from Araz News web TV....

This year, Iran’s university education system has established Azeri Turkish language field   for the first time in the history...

Araz News: Azerbaijan’s athletes added two more medals to the country’s medal haul thus increasing the number of trophies to seven...

Araz News: The Iranian regime executed three Ahwazi resistance fighters, including two brothers, on the morning of Wednesday August 17, 2016. The...

  Araz News:  South Azerbaijan well-known National Activist Mr. Ayat Mehrali Baygloo was sent to a three-day furlough from Tabriz...

Araz News:  Head of Iran’s National Security Council Ali Shamkhani has said Tehran and Moscow are sharing facilities and capacities...

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