Thursday 18 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

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Araz News: Dozens Qashqai Turks gathered to protest the destruction of their famous poet Tomb (Mohammad Ibrahim tombs Known as “MAZUN”)...

Araz News: “Zanjan Transfo” labors After 17 days of strike have drawn up 6 –point agreement between workers’ representatives and...

Araz News:South Azerbaijan civil right activist Mr. Ibrahim Nuri  was released on bail from Ahar prison after suffering from  12...

Araz News: Iran nuclear scientist Mr. Shahram Amiri who returned to Iran from the US in 2010 after claiming he had...

Araz News:On Aug 9, 2016, Representative of Shahrekord city stated that One killed, 108 injured and 70 arrested during conflict between...

Araz News: South Azerbaijan Civil Rights Activists Mr. Mehdi Houshmand and Mr. Reza Vahdat, both from Ardebil were arrested while being beaten...

Araz News:Lack of transparency of Iranian judiciary has caused a confusion about the fate of death row Sunni prisoners who...

Araz News: The book with the name of” Renaissance of Iran Turk’s identity” was written by South Azerbaijani researcher Mr. Ali...

Araz News: The salty waters of South Azerbaijan’s Lake Urmia recently morphed from a deep green to a rich red, likely...

Araz News:Ali Jabbari a well-known South Azerbaijani poet and publicist is among the protesters arrested in Tabriz on July 29, 2016. Ali...

Araz News: Ms. Nasim Sadeghi South Azerbaijan Civil Right Activist Was released on bail of 100 million Toman from Tabriz...

Araz News: On 28th of July 2016, South Azerbaijan people in many different parts of Iran gathered and hold peaceful...

Araz News: Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal has convicted 7 South Azerbaijani soccer fans of “anti-state propaganda” and sentenced them to 7...

Araz News: Yesterday, 26th of July, peaceful demonstration of South Azerbaijan people against Persian racism was stopped and face with...

Araz News: The Iran’regime newspaper with the name of Tarh no “New layout,” which is published in Tabriz city insulted South...

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