Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:


Araz News:Six Azerbaijani civil right activists who arrested by Iranian security forces on Friday, 30 of Jun in the anniversary of Babak Khorramdin  in the Babak Castle after being kept in solitary confinement for a week at the Tabriz revolutionary guard prison were transferred to Ahar Prison on July 7, 2017.

It should be noted that 9 South Azerbaijani activists, including Morteza Parvin, Akbar Jahangiri, Rahim Norouzi, Hamed Ravajii Rahim Zarei, Milad Akbari (11 years old), Mir Hossein Babaei, Mohammad Mardi and Mohammad Akbari were arrested during the ceremony. Also, Akbar Jahangiri was taken to a secret place and the security forces don’t give any information to his family on his situation.

The detainees were beaten by the security forces while  arresting  and in detention have been tortured during interrogation.

According to Araz News agency, Morteza Parvin, Akbar Jahangiri, Rahim Norouzi and Hamed Ravajii Rahim Zarei and Milad Akbari were transferred to Ahar prison and most probably will be released on a bill on Saturday July 8, 2017.

İt should be noted that the Secretary General of the organization of ‘ULKU OCAKLARI’ has condemned the Iran’s repressive regime and have released a statement about  the invasion and brutal arrest  of South Azerbaijani activists who chant the slogans defending the nation’s rights like the mother tongue by Iran’s regime security forces on July 6, 2017.

This ceremony was held by the hundred South Azerbaijani national activists and many people around the world who loves South Azerbaijani hero ‘Babak Khorramd’ under the harsh control of the security forces of Iran this year.

During the ceremony South Azerbaijan activists have started  with the Azerbaijani folk music  and have demanded  freedom of South Azerbaijan political prisoners  and have shouted slogan like ;

Turkish schools for everyone!
Freedom for all political prisoners!
Long live Azerbaijan!
Freedom to Siyamak Mirzaei!.






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