Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Human rights in South Azerbaijan

South Azerbaijani activists called for unconditional release of Azerbaijani political prisoners in Iran

South Azerbaijani national-civil activists in the city of Ardebil called for release of political prisoners in prisons of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


According to Araz News, South Azerbaijani activists in the city of Ardabil has hung posters of Azerbaijani political prisoners in the city for support them and call the government to their unconditional freedom.

They has hung the photos of Dr. Latif Hasani, Siamak Mirza’i and Naser Kholousi.


Dr. Latif Hasani is in jail, charged of “propaganda against the regime” and “disrupting national security”. He is a member of executive committee of the Yeni Gamoh organization.

Siamak Mirza’I and Nasser Kholousi are accused of membership in illegal groups.


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