Official racism and chauvinism in Iran
Iranian State Media Deny Historical Existence of Turks in South Azerbaijan

As an aspect of official chauvinism, during the past century Iranian state media has dined historical existence of Turks in the country especially in Azerbaijan. There are plenty of official and unofficial publications for this aim in Iran.
As a latest instance, “Iran” newspaper, the official publication organ of the government, have released an article entitled “A look on ethnical geography of Azerbaijan; Azerbaijan is a small Iran”. Note that, Iran newspaper has a long past on publishing racist discriminative and humiliating writings against Turks and Arabs. In 2006 an article and cartoon published by this newspaper caused a wide unrest in South Azerbaijan and other Turkish populated regions, which ended with police violence and dozens of casualty.
The author of mentioned article, Hojjat Yahya Pour, who is a member of a Persian ultra-nationalist circle heading by famous fascist Javad Tabatabaei, without giving any scientific evidence argues that Azerbaijan is not historical homeland of Turks and their culture and language is a heritage of invaders, who came “hundreds of years ago”.
However these claims are completely absurd and untrue; even if we consider them true, it should be asked from these people that while a people is living in a land for centuries; does not that society have any rights in that land? That people does not have the right to enjoy its basic rights such as education in its mother tongue or rule its internal affairs? And such a point of views is not an aspect and evidence of racism, chauvinism and even internal colonialism?!
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