Tuesday 25 March 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Mugam Evening in Erdebil

Music and poetry night “Mugam evening” was held in Erdebil, South Azerbaijan on March 11th. It took place in Sheikh Safiyyeddin Erdebils Province Art Garden in the middle of Hetai paintings on the initiative of the Amir Rajabi, the president...

Great Interest in South Azerbaijan at the Exhibition in Tehran

At the 11th International Tourism Fair in Tehrant more than 400 square meters have been allocated for Tabriz and the Eastern Azerbaijan State due to ‘Tabriz 2018’ project. Participants and guests of this exhibition were warmly welcomed in South Azerbaijani...

Conductor of "El Bahçesi" band talks about difficulties of organising concerts in Iran.

Wave Music Group’s Great Performance in Tabriz left the Audience Amazed.

The concert was held at the Tebriz Petrochemical Amphitheater on 18th and 19th of January. Master Chingiz Mehdipurs “El Bahçesi” music group’s concert was met with great interest by the audience. They performed 15 composition in this concert.  İt was...

Azerbaijani Cultural events abroad

International Shahriyar Days will be held in Götheborg- Switzerland

INTERNATIONAL SHAHRIYAR DAYS (ULUSLARARASI ŞƏHRİYAR GÜNLƏRİ) Götheborg-SWITZERLAND 2018-03-17,18 PRE-REPORT (1) 2018.03.16: Guest accommodation   2018.03.17: 09.00: Entrance to the hall   10.00: Panel   13.00: Break   14.00: Speeches and presentation of “Shahriyar Prize”   16.00: Closing of the conference...

Very rare application;

Some municipalities begin to use Azerbaijani Turkish banners

In a rare application municipalities of Tabriz and Khoy in South Azerbaijan used Azerbaycani Turkish banners to welcome some events. Municipality of Tabriz has written some banners in Azerbaijani Turkish to welcome the Tabriz 2018 event and municipality of Khoy...

While Iranian Authorities push for;

South Azerbaijani Activists Resist Against and Denounce Making Farsi the old Turkish names

A few years ago city council of Urmia in South Azerbaijan made a decision to use the original Turkish form of the city’s name in official correspondence of council. Afterward the signboard of the city council was changed to Turkish...

Azerbaijan Nation-Wide Movement Document Center will go into action

“Azerbaijan Nation-Wide Movement Document Center” will go into action soon. “Azerbaijan Nation-wide Movement Document Center” will start their actions soon and they bring together the written, pictural, and voiced archive of South Azerbaijan national struggle  from the 1905 Consitutional Revolution...

Iran security forces did not allow movie screening in Erdebil

Iran Security forces did not allow movie screening the movie called “Gemici” which was filmed in Urmia Lake and near the lake. The movie screening was 29 November 18.00 in Devrimci Sineması as it announced before. In addition to this...

The birthday of Great Turkist Alparslan Türkeş

Many Turkist foundation organise program because of birthday of Turanist Commander Alparslan Türkeş who dedicated his life Turkism and pan-turanism. Alprslan Türkeş was born 25 November 1917 in Lefkoşa but originally he is from Kayseri. He entered in 1933 Kuleli...

Tragedy of Atabek Park performed in Turkey when Setter Hanı’s birthday

9. Art days festival begins in Trabzon. Ayna Tamaşa who is a grup of actor that come from Tebriz played a drama which prepared by themselves. Ali Fetuhi who is the director of Ayna performance group said that this drama...

Mayor of Tebriz: “ Tebriz cannot reach 2018 targets with limited power”

Irec Şahin Baher (The mayor of the Tebriz) said that “ We cannot reach our Tebriz-2018 goals because of the limited auothority. He said his opinion when Iran’s supreme leader Ali Hamaney’s representative was visiting the Tuba Park. He talked...


ARAZ NEWS: A commemoration was held on Saturday, August 19th by HAZAR Association in Ankara Turkey to mark the 17th anniversary of the death of the late leader and president of Azerbaijan, Ablufaz Elchibey (24 June 1938– 22 August 2000)...

South Azerbaijani Writer Won The Best Foreign Author 2017- By German Institute “Litprom”

Araz News: South Azerbaijani author Ms.  Fariba Vafi won the best foreign author of 2017 the German Institute “Litprom” on June 11, 2017. According to the Araz news agency, the writer of such works as ‘My Bird’ (Parande-yeah man) and ‘Dreaming of...


Araz News: Novruz is an ancient and much-loved holiday in Azerbaijan which ushers in the new astronomical year, the beginning of spring and the renewal of nature. The actual holiday starts on 20 or 21 March but celebrations begin well before...

Strength And Struggle Of South Azerbaijani Women In Iran By- Lala Aliyeva

  Araz News: Somewhere in the corner of the building, I hear a cry of “Caniva Azzar” (damn you), a five-year-old boy was angrily shouting it to his father. At first, I was confused to hear such a familiar expression....