Sunday 22 December 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

The pollution of Araz River cause cancer

A member of the Iran parliament said that Araz River get contaminated and this cause the cancer for people who lives in the near of the Araz River. Sekur Purhuseyn’s comments on this subject published in Haney-i Millet news website. Deputy said that “ unfortunately, gastrointestinal tracts cancers seen in the south cities. In this point we have already seen sickness bound with cancer. Azerbaijani deputy also add this “ There are lots of heavy metal in this river and this heavy metals come from the wastes of Armenian indtustries. And we think that this situation cause the cancer for people who lives near the river. For the long years, house and industrial wastes flush the Araz river with no abstersion and this cause several diseases in the cities and the villages near the Araz River. On this subject local people and officials warn the government, however, Iran regime doing nothing because of the closeness with Armanian government about politic, military and the economy. In 31 August thousands of dead fishes was washed up onto a shore in Araz river. After this incident happen, a couple of fisher told that this is because of the waste that come from Armenia. Last week, an evidence found which is there are fishes was washed up onto a shore in Araz river.

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