Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

South Azerbaijan National Activist Mr. Habib Sasanian Fainted Due to Hunger Strike in Prison


Araz News: Habib Sasanian, South Azerbaijan national activist, fainted due his  hunger strike  in Tabriz prison and transferred to the prison clinic on June 15, 2017 .

Habib went on hunger strike in a protest against illegal imprisonment without a court order and unreasonable delay in deciding his matter.He has been in detention for 14 months  in prison without a court order.

According to Araz news agency,Iran regime security forces known as ‘Ettelaat’ has threatened this activist’s family many time.

It should be noted that many South Azerbaijan national activist have released a statement and   distribution of declaration in the cities of South Azerbaijan in support of Habib Sasanian and Siamak Mirzaee another South Azerbaijan national activist.

According to last report, these two activists have critical health condition and involvement of human rights community regarding to the dangerous situation of these two activists is essential.

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