Very rare application;
Some municipalities begin to use Azerbaijani Turkish banners

In a rare application municipalities of Tabriz and Khoy in South Azerbaijan used Azerbaycani Turkish banners to welcome some events.
Municipality of Tabriz has written some banners in Azerbaijani Turkish to welcome the Tabriz 2018 event and municipality of Khoy has written Azerbaijani Turkish banners to welcome the traditional celebration of “Cille Gecesi”, the longest night of year.
It is more then a century that there is very strict ban on non-Farsi languages in Iran, including the Azerbaijani Turkish.
Right activists of non-Persian nations in Iran has been giving a costly and hard struggle for linguistic rights since decades.
In the recent years very wide awareness and right demands force Iranian authorities to loose the bans very slowly even if there is a very long way to a normal situation.
While about 40% of the country’s population have Turkic origin Turkish language and culture is officially forbidden in Iran.
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