Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Thousands of Twitter Users Have Supported Urmia lake on Social Media

Araz News: On 30 Jun 2017, Many social and south Azerbaijan national activists have started a campaign on Twitter to draw the attention of the Iranian regime to the Urmia Lake crisis.

It should be noted that many well-known South Azerbaijani activists, including Said Matinpur who were arrested for seven years in prison has joint this peaceful protest.


They have used savedurmialial # Hashtag for the campaign. Also, In the Instagram within a few hours 6,000 text and pictures were shared about the Lake Urmia.

This is the fact that dying Lake Urmia not only causes huge migration of South Azerbaijani people also reflects a broader problem in Iran.

Despite the frequent support of the people, the most important project for the restoration of Lake Urmia was closed by the Iranian regime, Unfortunately.

According to the Araz news agency, water transfer project of the Zab River to Lake Urmia was cancelled, which was one of the most important projects for the restoration of Lake Urmia.

This is while the Iranian President, Mr. Hassan Rouhani has promised restoring of the Urmia Lake before the election during his trip to South Azerbaijan region.


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