Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:


Araz News: Habib Sasanian’s condition has deteriorated as he is continuing his 50-day-long hunger strike in Tabriz Prison. According to his relatives he has been held in the intensive care unit of prison’s polyclinic. Attempts are being made to convince him to stop his deadly hunger strike; however, he is resisting,southernazerbaijan reported on  July 31, 2017.

Sasaniyan aka Yakamuz began his hunger strike on June 12 in protest to his arbitrary imprisonment of over a year. Within more than a year captivity Mr. Sasanian has not been arraigned by the court.

Sasaniyan was arrested on May 15 of 2016 for allegedly establishment of a para-military group of GAMO- Southern Azerbaijan National Army along with 5 other activists Mehdi Amirinejad, Hamid Saqafi, Babek Avand, İsmail Afkhmi və Yunis Rəhimi some of whom were released on bail. However, Iran’s intelligence agency Ettelaat opposes Mr. Sasanian’s temporary release despite the fact that he is suffering from some kidney infection, high blood presure.


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