Tuesday 22 October 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Iran’s Schools Hit by Chain Poisonings: Regime Must be Accountable

In recent months, dozens of Iranian students have suffered from chain poisonings in various schools across the country. The situation has raised grave concerns among parents, students, and the public, with government authorities demanding action and clarity. Today, the situation...

The US needs to Urge Peace Between Azerbaijan and Armenia for a Stable South Caucasus

The conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh has been a long-standing issue in the South Caucasus region. The dispute dates back to the early 20th century when the region was part of the Russian Empire. After the fall of...

Azerbaijan-Israel Ties Strengthen with New Ambassador, Impacts on Iran and Armenia

Iran and Azerbaijan have a complex relationship, with historical, cultural, and economic ties connecting the two countries. However, recent tensions have arisen due to Azerbaijan’s close relationship with Israel, which Iran views as an enemy state. Iran has also accused...

Remembering the Khojaly Massacre: One of the Deadliest Massacres in Modern History

On the night of Feb. 25-26, 1992, a tragic and brutal event unfolded in the small town of Khojaly, in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan. The Khojaly massacre, also known as the Khojaly tragedy, was one of the deadliest and...

Iran is World’s Top Suppressor of Ethnic Minorities’ Languages

International Mother Language Day, celebrated annually on Feb. 21, is a global observance to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and encourage multilingualism. Its mission is to raise awareness of the importance of preserving and promoting mother languages, many of which...

South Azerbaijani MPs are Positive about State Parliamentary Elections

MPs from Tabriz, Eher and Maraga welcomed state-level parliamentary elections. This issue was discussed at various levels after the Iranian parliament adopted a final bill on the state in the last days. The Iranian Parliament Press Office, which published this...

Disclosure on Sanctions from President Trump

President Trump made statements about sanctions on Iran. I want to go a little slower about sanctions, Trump said. I don’t want oil prices to increase all over the world. Trump, who signaled that the US would follow a cautious...

President Rouhani will not visit Lake Urmia during his visit to West Azerbaijan

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will not visit Lake Urmia during his visit to Western Azerbaijan next week. After declaring the program of the visit of the Governor to West Azerbaijan, people drew attention to this issue. Governor of West Azerbaijan...

Sanctions are coming

After the Washington administration withdrew from the 2015 nuclear agreement, which the US wanted to renegotiate, Donald Trump announced the embargo on Iran’s oil exports by a poster on Twitter. American President Donald Trump’s share of his statements on Sanctions...

Sancions on Iran: First withdrawal from Turkey

The embargo by the United States on Iran’s energy exports came in action . Turkey stopped supplying fuel to Iranian aircrafts. Vitol Group, which provides fuel to the airline of Turkey’s Petrol Office has been stopped providing fuel to Iranian...

National Slogans during Tractor’s match

On November 2, our countrymen sang national slogans during the match of Tabriz’s Tractor football team and Peykan football team at Kuds Stadium in Tehran. Although the match was held in the city of Peykan, the host had about 100...

Analysis: The PKK terrorist organization has begun to work in order to form the same terror corridor in Western part of South Azerbaijan as in the northern Syria.

This movement is trying to attract leftist activists among South Azerbaijani Turks. The Iranian sub-branches of the PKK, KODAR and PJAK, have officially announced the so-called Democratic Confederalism “and Iranian Democratic Army” project in Europe. The PKK is also trying...

USA: Plan to Finish Iran

Deputy Secretary of the United States Robert Palladino, in the closed to cameras briefing session, made a statement on sanctions that would get in action on November 5th. Palladino said that the US administration is committed to impose sanctions on...

Kashgay Turkish Musician Has Lost His Life

Farhad Gorgunpur, the great music master of Kashgay Turks, died at the age of 70. The musician, who has been fighting cancer for a long time, passed away at the Namazi Hospital in Shiraz on October 31st. Farhad Gorgunpur was...

Denmark accuses Iranian Intelligence

Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen, at a press conference of the ministry, said that Iranian intelligence has been mentioned by the Danish ambassador to Tehran for the purpose of an assassination attempt in Denmark. “The assassination in Denmark is unacceptable,...