Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

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In the recent days anti-regime protests erupted in many cities of Iran. The protests had begun due to awful economic...

ArazNews English – news and analysis

During a football match on 29th December between Perspolis team of Tehran and Tractor team of South Azerbaijan forty thousands...

Tommarow, 31 December is the Solidarity Day of World’s Azerbaijanis, which is celeberated by Azerbaijani Turks all around the world...

As an aspect of official chauvinism, during the past century Iranian state media has dined historical existence of Turks in...

By Macit Araz; The country which is called Iran nowadays consists of the two major ethnic elements; Turks and Persians....

A South Azerbaijani young man has been jailed by Iranian judiciary because of taking photo with flag of Republic of...

In a rare application municipalities of Tabriz and Khoy in South Azerbaijan used Azerbaycani Turkish banners to welcome some events....

Several South Azerbaijani parliament members have expressed in seperate occasions that the budget assigned for Lake Urmia saving program for...

A very recent stablished TV channel named “SAV TV” has went on air for its test programs. The Netherlands based...

72nd anniversary of South Azerbaijan National Government commemorated widely by Azerbaijani communities around the world. Several ceremonies have been held...

‘Oyrenci Sesi’s political look entitled “Strategies to prevent the spread of terrorist groups in West Azarbaijan” published in a pamphlet...

A few years ago city council of Urmia in South Azerbaijan made a decision to use the original Turkish form...

Provincial director of the Urmia Lake Recovery Program in West Azerbaijan said: the water level of the Urmia Lake decreased...

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