Thursday 18 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

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ََAraz News: Mr. Latif Hasani national and political  activist of South Azerbaijan was sent 3 day permission from Rajaiishar prison of...

Araz News: Ashura is a day of great historical significance.The Caucasian Muslims Board (CMO) and Health Ministry jointly launched a campaign...

Araz News:  One  of the streets in Gence city the second biggest city and Old Capital of  North Azerbaijan named ...

Araz News:  Mr.  Ilham Aliyev the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan has received a delegation led by Governor of the...

Araz News:  Mr. Nima Hasani one of Civil rights activists in the Urmia city after referring to the Revolutionary Court ...

Araz News: Monthly journal special editions  of 16 October with the name of  TOPRAQ was Published and released in different cities...

Araz News: Iran’s state television has aired footage of a secret underground missile base where medium and long-range missiles were being...

Araz News:Turkish jets have shot down an “aerial vehicle” near the Syrian border, the Turkish military said in a written...

Araz News:At least 95 people died in two explosions that shook a road junction in the center of the Turkish...

Araz News:  If we want to compare women rights in Iran with that of western women we can see (no...

Araz News:  The agents of Iranian intelligence agency Ettelaat have stormed into residences of many South Azerbaijani activists in South...

Araz News: The Islamic Revolutionary Tribunal of Tabriz, South Azerbaijan has found 3 South Azerbaijani cultural rights activist guilty of “anti-Islamic...

Araz News:  Azerbaijan’s Qarabag football team defeated Belgium’s Anderlecht 1-0 at home in Baku on October 1. This win sealed...

Araz News: Analytical article collections  against  Kurd terrorism with the name of  “resistance in the West Azerbaijan”  was Published and...

Araz News:  US President Barack Obama has congratulated Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on the occasion of Eid al-Adha, reported. “Dear...

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