Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

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Coach Ertugrul from Turkey, as the head of Tabriz Tractor Sazi football team, almost fused with a South Azerbaijani supporters...

Urmiye’s parliamentary deputy, Nadir Gazipur, has strongly criticized the newspaper, Qanun, that published an article against Turkish language. Erdebil’s parliamentary...

There was an earthquake of 5.5 magnitude in the Buche city of Iran. According to data from the US Seismic...

Tebriz Investigations Institute (TEBAREN) will organize an international symposium on “Historical Facts: Armenian persecutions in the West Azerbaijan Province of...

In the match where two Turkish technical director faced each other; Qatar’s Al-Gharafa team, coached by Bülent Uygun, defeated the...

Tabriz Tractor newly appointed executive director of the football club Abbas Elijah, made statements to the press about Ertuğrul Sağlam,...

The bust of the well-known Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Hussein Shahriyar was destroyed by an unknown person or persons in Parsabad...

The New Silk Road 4.0 Business Association Meeting was held with the participation of institutional representatives from Azerbaijan and Italy,...

Ahwazi Arab People Have Had Enough of being Oppressed by the Iranian Government

Nadir Qazipur, deputy representative of the Iranian parliament of the Urmia city of South Azerbaijan, made important statements about the...

Current President Ilham Aliyev won the presidential election in Azerbaijan, with 86.09% of the votes. Mezahir Penahov, head of Azerbaijani...

Iran’s currency has depreciated by 20% in one day. Almost all commercial activity has come to a standstill. Economy, which...

Today our brothers will experience the excitement of presidential elections in Azerbaijan. Under normal conditions, the elections in Azerbaijan, which...

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