Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

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Araz News: New Jersey Institute of Technology fired Jason Reza Jorjani an Iranian university professor because of racist ideas on...

Iraqi Kurds seem to have overestimated their strategic importance in US eyes, a common error of local Mideast powers  Of...

Araz News: Hazar Civilization Cultural Social Awakening Association (HCCSAA) has celebrated the   two hundredth sections of the ” GUNDEM” program in...

Araz  News: The United States and Israel have united in slamming Iran during the annual United Nations General Assembly, with the leaders of both...

Dear Azerbaijani Turk Nations Since the Qajar Empire has been extinct with the British sedition and Pahlavi government was dominated...

Araz New: President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has once again reiterated Ankara’s stance on the Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) planned independence referendum in...

Araz News: Mother tongue protection forum has launched a campaign with a name of “Our mother tongue does not stay at...

Reflection on the release of the Joint Statement of Activists and National Movement Organizations Araz News: The news of the...

The referendum on Kurdistan’s independence, supposed to be organized on September 25, is a very important development as it would...

Araz News:There is so little doubt that the referendum called for September on Kurdish independence from Iraq will pass overwhelmingly...

Araz News:The Spanish government has accused the Catalan parliament of committing a “constitutional and democratic atrocity” by approving legislation to...

Araz News: Hundreds of CDs containing documentaries, various programs and clips of Araz news Internet TV were distributed in various cities...

Araz News:Mr. Shahabaddin Bimegdar, the individual from Iranian parliament and a main Turkic Parliamentary Fraction has advised media that because...

Araz News:Two Ahwazi Arab political prisoners have been sentenced to death by the  Revolution Court of the Iranian regime in...

Dear South Azerbaijani Turkish Nation; We are commemorating Seventy-third anniversary of 3rd September (12 of Shahrivar), the day of publication...

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