Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Peaceful Demonstration in Front of the White House America to Protest Discrimination and Racism in Iran-(Photo+Video)

Araz News:  On the occasion of the 21 February International Mother language, the Azerbaijan national activists living in the USA have protested against assimilation policies, discrimination and racism of the Iranian regime against the Turks who living in Iran geography....

Peaceful Demonstration in Front of the White House America on the Occasion of the International Day of Mother language

Araz News: On the occasion of the 21 February International Mother language, the Azerbaijan national activists living in the USA will peacefully protest against assimilation policies of the Iranian regime against the Turks who living in Iran geography in front of...

Some Of the Famous South Azerbaijan National Activists Went On Hunger Strike In Iran Prisons

Araz News: Some of the prominent of South Azerbaijan National Activist Will begin hunger strike on Feb 19, 2016. The name of these activists is as follow: Mr. Abbas Lisani, Rasul Razavi, Yurush Mehrali beygli, Hussein Ali Mohammadi and Mortaza Morad...

National Activists Of Azerbaijan Disqualified By The Board Of Administering Elections

Araz News:  South Azerbaijan National Activists who want  candidates in parliamentary elections disqualified from board of administering elections. The list of South Azerbaijani who  registered in parliamentary elections is as follow: Fatemeh Sattari: lawyer, environmental rights and women’s rights activist...

National Activist Of South Azerbaijan Mr. Ata Karimi Was Arrested

Araz News: South Azerbaijani national activist Ata Karimi was arrested among volleyball match  between the municipality of Urmia team and Samen Al  Hujaj team in the 6000 spectator  stadium of Urmia  by Iranian intelligence agency Ettelaat  on Dec 28, 2015. He...

Alireza Farshi National Movement Activist Of South Azerbaijan Nominated For Iranian Parliament

Araz News:  Alireza Farshi the National Movement activist of South Azerbaijan   was registered for Iranian parliament  in Electoral district of Marand City. Alireza Farshi national activist of South Azerbaijan who was arrested several times and detained by the security organs...

1046 South Azerbaijani National Activist have signed The Declaration In Support Of Turkmens in Syria

Araz News: 1046 South Azerbaijan National Movement activists  signed a statement  on the massacre of the Syrian Turkmen and Condemning this act . According to the Azerbaijan National  Resistance Organization  report , This statement is available in four languages Turkish,Farsi,German...

The South Azerbaijani National Activist Mr. Latif Hasani Was Transferred To Rajai Shahr Prison

Araz News: A well known South Azerbaijani national activist Mr. Latif Hasani who has been sentenced to 9 years in prison for political and civil activities after his short furlough was Transferred to Rajai Shahr prison.   Latif Hasani is the...

Abbas Lesani Is Not Allowed To Communicate And Phone Calls

Araz News:  Mr. Abbas Lesani, well known National activist of South Azerbaijan has been deprived of the right to communicate and telephone calls. Abbas Lesani, who spends his sentence in prison in Shiraz was transferred  to green row and deprived of...

Latif Hasani an Azerbaijani National and political activist was sent 3 day permission from Karaj prison

ََAraz News: Mr. Latif Hasani national and political  activist of South Azerbaijan was sent 3 day permission from Rajaiishar prison of Karaj  On Oct 23, 2015. This activist was arrested during teaching by Iran Security force refers as Ettelaat on  Feb...

Iranian intelligence agency Ettelaat have stormed into residences of many South Azerbaijani activists in South Azerbaijan

Araz News:  The agents of Iranian intelligence agency Ettelaat have stormed into residences of many South Azerbaijani activists in South Azerbaijan and made many arbitrary arrests. Sahand Meali of city of Sarab, Sina Ershadi and Reza Nurani of Khiyav-Meshgin are...

Veteran Rights Activist Mr.Aziz Purvali, Accompanying other Activists Visited Political Prisoner Mr. Ayat Mehralibeyglou’s Family

Veteran rights activist Mr.Aziz Purvali, accompanying other South Azerbaijani activists visited South South Azerbaijani political prisoner Mr. Ayat (Yurush) Mehralibeyglou’s family. On the occasion of Mr.Mehralibeyglou’s birthday, Mr.Purvali and some other activists visited his home in the city of Sofiyan....

Atila Saifi Cleared of the Charges in the Court of Appeal

Araz News: Atila Saifi (Mousavi), civil rights activist from Miyandoab city, was cleared from the charges and the 6-months-in prison sentence has been dropped in appeal court. Branch number 10 of the appeal court in West Azerbaijan province, has issued...

South Azerbaijan civil rights activist Said Matinpour has been released from prison after 7 years

Araz News:  On 26 August 2015, one of the most renowned Azerbaijani Turk human rights activists and journalists, Mr Said Matinpour, was finally set free. He was serving an eight-year term in Evin Prison of Tehran, after having been convicted...

The Profile Video of Mr. Babek Chalabiyanli a political activist of South Azerbaijan and the Spokesperson of (ANRO) in the Voice of America (Video)

Araz News: The Profile  video of Mr. Babek Chalabiyanli a political activist of South Azerbaijan  and the  Spokesperson of Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO) placed on the Voice of America program. In this video  Mr. Babek Chalabiyanli  speaks about his self,...