Some Of the Famous South Azerbaijan National Activists Went On Hunger Strike In Iran Prisons

Araz News: Some of the prominent of South Azerbaijan National Activist Will begin hunger strike on Feb 19, 2016.
The name of these activists is as follow: Mr. Abbas Lisani, Rasul Razavi, Yurush Mehrali beygli, Hussein Ali Mohammadi and Mortaza Morad pour which are in the prisons of the fascist government.
According to receiving information from reliable sources, these activists will begin their hunger strike for 3 days on 19th, 20th and 21th of Feb because of the International Day of mother language and to protest cultural genocide tens of millions of Turkic people who are living in Iran geography.
It should be noted, Mr. Abbas Lisani exiled to the prison of Shiraz and the other activists are in Tabriz prison.
Iranian-Azeri people living in northern Iran define themselves as southern Azerbaijani Turks and are struggling with the Iranian regime as they have been denied their ethnic rights granted in Articles 15 and 19 of the Iranian constitution, which provides for the equal treatment of all ethnic groups and freedom to use their mother tongue in media and education. However, these Azerbaijani Turks in Iran have been arbitrarily deprived of such rights, while other ethnic groups, such as Armenians, enjoy their freedoms. Iran has an Armenian population of 200,000, while the number of ethnic Azerbaijanis in Iran amounts to 35 million.
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