Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

The last situation of 3 South Azerbaijani National Activists (report on July 2015)

Araz News Hassan Damirchi Hargoli       Hassan Damirchi Hargalan Azerbaijani Turk cultural activist and founder of Azerbaijani Music School, was announced by the Iranian Intelligence Ministry headquarters that he is banned from foreign travel until further notice. Currently,...

Well-known National Activist of South Azerbaijan Hasan Damirchi was denied permission to leave the country

Araz News:   Aug 5, 2015, National and civil activist of South Azerbaijan Mr. Hasan Damirchi was denied permission to leave the country  by Tehran prosecutor with the pressure of  Iran’s Intelligence Ministry, commonly referred to as Ettelaat. Hasan Damirchi known...

South Azerbaijani National Activist Abbas Lesani arrested again

Araz News: South Azerbaijani activist Abbas Lesani was arrested on Wednesday en route to his shop by Iran’s Intelligence Ministry, commonly referred to as Ettelaat. The activist was detained on July 22 to fulfill a one-year sentence for his prior environmental activities. Earlier,...

Six National Activists of South Azerbaijan were arrested in the Babek Castle

Araz News: On Friday, July 17, 2015, Six national activists of South Azerbaijan were arrested on the way of Babek Castle which is located in Kaleibar city. Araz News has received reports from reliable source,Abbas Shadmand (from Kaleibar  city), Akbar Abulzadeh...

amnesty international: Free Latif Hasani Immediately

Amnesty International: DOCUMENT – IRAN: HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST ON HUNGER STRIKE IN IRAN   UA: 169/14 Index: MDE 13/039/2014 Iran Date: 4 July 2014 URGENT ACTION HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST ON HUNGER STRIKE IN IRAN Human rights activist Latif Hasani, a...