Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

National Activist Of South Azerbaijan Mr. Ata Karimi Was Arrested

Araz News: South Azerbaijani national activist Ata Karimi was arrested among volleyball match  between the municipality of Urmia team and Samen Al  Hujaj team in the 6000 spectator  stadium of Urmia  by Iranian intelligence agency Ettelaat  on Dec 28, 2015.

He is currently taken to an undisclosed location. Thus far, the whereabouts of the activist  Mr. Ata Karimi  remains unknown and there is no information about the causes of their arrest has  been released.

The agents of Iranian intelligence agency Ettelaat have stormed into residences of many South Azerbaijani activists in South Azerbaijan and made many arbitrary arrests.

Araz News will continue to monitor the situation for any further developments.

By H.A

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