Friday 28 March 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Turkish Book Distribution Campaign Continues in South Azerbaijan

As we have reported, on September 23, a new academic year began in Iran and South Azerbaijan. Since the opening of the educational institutions, a national book distribution campaign has been launched by national civil activists in South Azerbaijan. The...

University Students Demanded Education in Mother Language

The students of the Medical University of Hamadan with banners requested the education in their mother tongue (in Turkish). On 18 October, the students’ request for collection was announced at the meeting with former Minister of Education Dr. Hamidrza Haji...

“Books in Turkish” Campaign in South Azerbaijan

On the eve of the new academic year, a Turkish book-buying campaign was launched in South Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani students and national activists launched a campaign with the support of millions of supporters of Azerbaijan’s Tractor Tutbol team. The activists called...

Racist Statements of the Minister of Education of Iran

Iran’s Education Minister Mohammad Bethayi once again made racist statements on the main language of non-Persian nations in Iran He spoke on 28 August about the report of the Parliamentary Education and Research Commission. It turned out that the answers...

Women Support Against Racism in Iran

Azerbaijani national-cultural activist Hadice Hejabri said that the Turkish language is a red line of 40 million Azerbaijani Turks living in Iran’s geography. Known as Turan Hanim, she responded with a video to minister of education discriminating racist speech against...

Persian Deputy Supports Racist Minister

Tehran deputy Mustafa Kavakebyan, speaking in parliament on Wednesday, claimed that the words of the Minister of Education were misunderstood among the people and tried to dispute. The deputy, known as the so-called reformist, said, “According to the Constitution, the...

Deputies continue to Object Racist Speech of Minister of Education of Iran

The racist remarks of the Iranian Minister of Education Muhammad Bethayi against non-Persian languages have caused many protests. Deputy of Binab city, Ziyaolla Ezazi, speaking to the parliament on Sunday, demanded apology of Bethayi. “I am warning the Minister of...

Reamrks of South Azernaijans Parliament Member to the Minister of Education Of Iran

Iranian deputy, of Germin City of South Azerbaijan,Himayet Mirzade, stated that he, in an open letter, warned Minister of National Education Mohammad Bethayi, who said that education in his mother tongue should be forbidden. Mirzade, the spokesperson of the Commission...

Constitutional Debate from Iranian Deputies

Deputy of Erdebil’s Iranian parliament, Südeyif Bedri, demanded that the Turkish language be taught based on Article 15 of the Constitution. On May 4 “Mugham Shahseven Labor Day” he said: “Several candidates in the elections have repeatedly said this, but...

40% of School Buildings in Gochacay are in Bad Condition

Celal Purmirza, head of the Education Department of the Goşacay, said that 40 percent of schools are in bad condition and ineffective. Encouraged by problems at educational institutions, Purmirza asked for philanthropy to solve the problem. “Charitable people always help...

Objection of the students has been concluded, Turkish Languge and literature will be taught at the Azerbaijan Cultural University

The authorities correctly analyzed the demands of the Turkish students and accepted provide Turkish language and literature at the Azerbaijan Cultural University. One of the officials of the Azerbaijan Cultural University said on Sunday that the Ministry of Science, Research...

Students of Culture University of Azerbaijan demand Turkish Language and Literature Course to be included in curriculum.

Azerbaijan Cultural University Student Council sent a letter to the rector of the university demanding the including Turkish language and literature in the educational institution curriculum. Although the letter was sent on November 7, 2017 to the rector of the...

Nadir Gazipur criticized the Minister of Education of Iran.

Urmia parliament deputy Nadir Gazipur criticized the Iranian Minister of Education in an interview with Amuzes. The deputy accused the minister of inactivity, describing him as coward. He said he did not work, but was looting. In the other part...

Sajjad Yaghoubi Known as South Azerbaijani Bill Gates (photo+video)

Araz News: A South Azerbaijani  scientist at the age of 23, has got the attention of many big and famous universities and Medias around the world.He is from dash maki (maku) which is located in west Azerbaijan province. This scientist is...

South Azerbaijani student gained a gold medal of Biology Olympiad in Denmark

Araz News: Mohammad Amin Sadeghi  from Tabriz gained a gold medal at the International Biology Olympiad of Denmark. Biology Olympiad held in Denmark, which was attended by 63 high school students from different country. Tabrizi student Mohammad Amin Sadeghi gained...