Racist Statements of the Minister of Education of Iran

Iran’s Education Minister Mohammad Bethayi once again made racist statements on the main language of non-Persian nations in Iran
He spoke on 28 August about the report of the Parliamentary Education and Research Commission. It turned out that the answers to the questions did not satisfy the deputies and the minister’s report in parliament was sent to the Parliamentary Assembly.
Bethayi replied to the reaction against racist discourses against non-Persian languages: “According to reports, texts in some schools (Persian texts) are taught by being translated into languages of non-Persian nations in Iran. However, the school is a place where students who speak their mother tongue in the Iranian home and on the streets learn the Persian language. ”
The minister tried to draw attention to a truth. “I went to one class in one of the cities. I asked one of the students a question about the lesson. He did not understand me. After the question was translated into the student’s native language, the student could answer the question. ”
Earlier, on July 14, Education Minister Muhammad Bethayi said pupils should be banned from non-Persian languages and said that the education in Persian is “the red line of the system”. This statement of the minister led to a broad protest of non-Persian nations, especially Turks
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