Students of Culture University of Azerbaijan demand Turkish Language and Literature Course to be included in curriculum.

Azerbaijan Cultural University Student Council sent a letter to the rector of the university demanding the including Turkish language and literature in the educational institution curriculum. Although the letter was sent on November 7, 2017 to the rector of the university, no response was received from Hasan Velizade. According to the report, the Student Council of the Cultural University of Azerbaijan were outraged due to fact that the letter, which was said to be reached on February 8, was ignored. Article 15 of the Iranian Constitution, adopted after the 1979 Islamic Revolution, states that Persian is the official language of the country, but that other local languages are can be taught as well without impeding form the state side. According to this article, the teaching of Turkish started not from the university but from the primary schools. However, even though the rights of education in mother tongue of indigenous people living in the region mentioned in the constitution they are not being recognized and Article 15 has not been applied until now. In addition to not implementing this material, dozens of people are currently being held in prison in Iran because they actively support their mother tongue. Today, after many years of struggle, Turkish language and literature classesnare taught only in Tebriz, Urmiye, Maragha and Urmiye Technology Universities. Turkish language lessons are not compulsory for students, but many students choose this course voluntarily.
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