Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus killed Thousands Cattle in South Azerbaijan (PHOTO)

Araz News:  Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus was infected thousands large and small cattle in South Azerbaijan villages two months ago and it spreads quickly. According to Araz News agency, Despite the passage of two months from the separation of FMD virus...

Tractor soccer club cancelled an Armenian player agreement to safeguard Azerbaijani unity

Araz News: South Azerbaijan and Iran’s Turks football team known as the Tractor Soccer Team’ Board of Directors had made a contract with a player of the Armenia national football team last week. The coming of Armenian football player caused the...

US Senator Mr. Tim Kaine responds to The spokesperson of ANRO about Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Araz News: US Senator Mr. Tim Kaine from Virginia have stated his attention to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The member of the senate foreign relation and armed service committees Mr. Tim Kaine pays attentions and monitors developments between Armenia and Azerbaijan and...

Organizing a Conference about Recent Developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh and Iran Policy (video+photo)

Araz News: A conference about the Recent developments in the Nagorno-Karabakh and Iran’s policy in the region was held in “Tabriz Institute” at Ankara city on 12th of May 2016. At the conference, Mr. Araz Aslanli the faculty member of the...

8th of May South Azerbaijan student day -(Video)

Araz News: South Azerbaijan Student day was celebrated by Azerbaijan’s national movement activists and South Azerbaijan students on the 8th of May. On May 8, 1995, Iran Turks students from Tehran, Tabriz, Urmia and other cities protested to the racist questionnaire...

The hundreds night letter was distributed widely in South Azerbaijan –Khoy city-(Photo Gallery)

Araz News: South Azerbaijan National movement activists published and released night letter about the unrealistic claim of Armenian genocide in the Khoy city on 26th of April 2016. The night letter was published in Azerbaijani Turkish language and Widespread distributed widely in...

Armenia Should Leave Azerbaijani Territories Said Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov

To put an end to the military occupation of Azerbaijani territories,is necessary said Azerbaijan’s Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov. This was a conversation between Azerbaijani Foreign Minister and his Spanish counterpart Jose Manuel Garcia. In order to find a diplomatic and...

A conference was held about genocide of Azerbaijanis people by Armenians in Urmia, Salmas, xocali and Karabakh -(Photo Gallery)

Araz News: A Conference as crimes of Armenians in Iran was held in the capital of Turkey at Hilton hotel on On 23rd of April. In this conference well-known persons from Turkey, Europe and other regions participated. The conference was held...

A conference about Armenians’ crimes in Azerbaijan cities Urmia, Salmas will be held in Turkey

Araz News: The conference focused on the massacre of Turks in Urmia and Salmas cities with the participation of university professors will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Ankara, Turkey On 23rd of April, at 10 am – 1 pm....

170 Armenian soldiers were killed and 12 armored vehicle was destroyed-VIDEO

Araz News: Azerbaijan’s military forces on Monday have destroyed an Armenian separatist command point in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh region, the Azerbaijani defense ministry said on April 4, 2016. According to a statement released by the ministry, the strikes killed many Armenian...

French Senator urged the UN Security Council to condemn the Armenian occupation against Azerbaijan

Araz News:  French senator Nathalie Goulet calls for an immediate meeting of the UN Security Council to condemn the Armenian aggression aggression against Azerbaijan on April 3. Nathalie Goulet said: “I strongly condemn the Armenian provocation. And I strongly regret about...

Tabriz Institute began its Study-research activities officially in Ankara-(Photo Gallery)

Araz News:  A research institute with the name of Tabriz Started its activity officially in the capital turkey on the 2 th of April 2016. The ceremony was held with the presence of university professors, representatives of civil society and...

Fighting along contact line in Nagorno-Karabakh continues

Araz News:  The Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan said that Fighting along the contact line of troops in Nagorno-Karabakh continues on 2nd  of April 2016. According to the Ministry, the fighting is currently continuing on the frontline in Aghdam, Fuzuli and Terter...

March 31 – Day of Genocide of Azerbaijanis

Araz News:  98 years have passed since the act of genocide committed by the members of Armenian Dashnak party in concert with Bolsheviks against Azerbaijanis. The massacre of about 20,000 innocent people – elderly, women and children started at the...

“11 facts” about the Battle of Chaldiran

Araz News:  Internet television network “Apa TV”, producing and distributing new program for recounting and analyzing history ,the expression of the history of warfare between the two empires in Chaldiran region  (Safavid and Ottoman), stressed that “what is the relation of...