Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

US Senator Mr. Tim Kaine strongly Support South Azerbaijan

Araz News: US Senator Mr. Tim Kaine from Virginia have stated his support for the people of South Azerbaijan. The spokesperson of ANRO (Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization) Mr. Babek Chalabiyanli had an official visit with Senator Tim Kaine. He had requested...

Profitable Chance To Extend Municipal Relations Between Tabriz-Turkey

Araz News: Tabriz municipality is to have more fruitful interactions with urban administration of Turkey, as a part of a comprehensive planning to boast desired tourism indexes of city by 2018, stated Mr. Sadegh Najafi, the mayor of Tabriz in meeting...

Well known Azerbaijani National Poet Died

Araz News: Zelimxan Yaqub the famous Azerbaijani national poet died today. This morning his family in relation to health and physical condition of Zelimxan Yaqub had said to Azerbaijan Republic media: ”any improvement in his physical condition isn’t  found after his...

National Activists Of Azerbaijan Disqualified By The Board Of Administering Elections

Araz News:  South Azerbaijan National Activists who want  candidates in parliamentary elections disqualified from board of administering elections. The list of South Azerbaijani who  registered in parliamentary elections is as follow: Fatemeh Sattari: lawyer, environmental rights and women’s rights activist...

Re-Publishing Monthly journal “TOPRAQ” In South Azerbaijan By ANRO

Araz News: Monthly journal special editions  of 16 October with the name of  TOPRAQ was re-Published and released in different cities in South Azerbaijan by Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO) on Dec 28, 2015. This 20-page journal includes news and articles about...

Join the Campaign to support Reject the racist, anti-Azerbaijani bill at U.S. Congress

On Dec. 16, 2015, Congressman Christopher Smith (R-N.J.) has introduced the so-called “Azerbaijan Democracy Act of 2015” in the U.S. Congress. This bill, if passed and enacted, will inflict tremendous damage on one of the most important friendships the U.S....

Tabriz City Selected As Exemplary Tourism city By OIC For 2018 (PHOTO)

Araz News:  The 9th Session of the Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers (ICTM)  holds by  the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Niamey, the capital of Niger, on December 21-23. And Tabriz city one of the well-known city of South...

Alireza Farshi National Movement Activist Of South Azerbaijan Nominated For Iranian Parliament

Araz News:  Alireza Farshi the National Movement activist of South Azerbaijan   was registered for Iranian parliament  in Electoral district of Marand City. Alireza Farshi national activist of South Azerbaijan who was arrested several times and detained by the security organs...

18 Armenian Armed Forces Were Killed By Armed Forces Of North Azerbaijan

Araz News: Azerbaijan Defense Minister said that the armed forces of North Azerbaijan in the Karabakh conflict zone over the last week killed 18 Armenian servicemen, more than 20 were injured. On that Sunday 20 ,2015. The Karabakh conflict zone...

The Wall Of Communion In South Azerbaijan-Tabriz City (photo Galey)

Araz News: People of Tabriz (the city of first) in a human movement and altruistic were held the wall of communion to help the needy people on  Dec 19, 2015. According to the report of Araz News, this wall was established...

Vast Release Of 9 November Uprising Of Turkish People In South Azerbaijan By ANRO

Araz News: The Film of uprising 9 November of South Azerbaijan people  prepared and  released  by  ANRO. This film is  distributed  by authority publishing committee  of  ANRO  in different cities of  South Azerbaijan. The 60-minute film  shows objections of South Azerbaijanian...

The burning of the Turkish flag by supporters of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Araz News: A group of Arab sympathizers of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Baghdad which have  close ties with  Iran’s Qods Force attempted to burn the Turkish flag. This attempt is triggered by order of Mughtada Sadr, who is near...

The Name Of Azerbaijan National Hero “ BABAK” was removed from school textbooks in Iran

Araz News: Ministry of Education of Iran removed  the name and  history of BABAK the national hero of Azerbaijan from textbooks. According to reports of Araz News, the history of Babak which was written in the elementary school books  whose name...

Ardabil City’s Governor : Rate Of Immigrant Increase Dramatically

Araz News: Mr. Majid Khodabakhsh the governor of Ardabil city said that rate of immigrant increase dramatically because of unemployment and the lack of enough job  in the city. He attended at the Provincial Administrative Council meeting in the Ardabil city...

Russian airstrikes target 20 aid convoy of Turkey,7 killed (photo)

Araz News: Russian jets  targeted 20  aid convoy in northwestern Syrian town of Azaz near a border crossing with Turkey,at least seven people died and more than 10 got injured after an apparent airstrike on Wednesday. Footage filmed at a crossing on the Syrian...