Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus killed Thousands Cattle in South Azerbaijan (PHOTO)

Araz News:  Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus was infected thousands large and small cattle in South Azerbaijan villages two months ago and it spreads quickly.

According to Araz News agency, Despite the passage of two months from the separation of FMD virus in south Azerbaijan regions, this fatal disease is still uncontrolled. Veterinary department and authorities didn’t attention to this issue.

Ranchers  of the region say:’FMD outbreak have brought a disaster greater than the the earthquake of 2012, because livestock is the only our asset and when we lost it our livelihood will be lost.’

Most regions and villages of South Azerbaijan have been gripped by the deadly disease specially the villages in Sulduz (Naghadeh), Ahar, khiyav (Meshkinshar), Sarab and Ojan (Bostanabad) have faced with the horrible disease.

According to report of Director General of Veterinary Medicine of  East Azerbaijan province , so far , more than 900 large and small cattle have died  due to the disease in the province .

So far, the region has large financial losses in the livestock sectors as a result of incompetence and negligence of the authorities.


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