Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

US Senator Mr. Tim Kaine strongly Support South Azerbaijan

Araz News: US Senator Mr. Tim Kaine from Virginia have stated his support for the people of South Azerbaijan.

The spokesperson of ANRO (Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization) Mr. Babek Chalabiyanli had an official visit with Senator Tim Kaine. He had requested Mr. Tim Kaine to support the people of South Azerbaijan.

Senator Tim Kaine also has responded to Mr. Babek Chalabiyanli and declared his support for the rights of the people of South Azerbaijan.

The content of official letter of US Senator Mr. Tim Kaine to Mr. Babek Chalabiyanli:

Dear Mr. Chalabiyanli

Thank you for contacting me about Iran’s treatment of its Azeri community. I appreciate hearing

Form you.

The people of Iran come from various ethnic backgrounds. Unfortunately, the Iranian government has a record of discriminating against minorities, including Azeris, who make up about 16 percent of the population. Azeri activists advocating to the State Department, the Iranian government continues to repress ethnic and religious minorities.

On November 6th,2015, a popular children’s television program ridiculed the accents of Azeris and made offensive jokes about them, leading to large protests in Iran and abroad. The head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, Mohammad Sarafraz, apologize for the incident and stated that it would be investigated and that the individuals responsible would be seriously confronted.

As a member of the senate FOREIGN relation Committee, I support U.S. efforts to advance the basic rights and human dignity of all people. On November 30th, I cosponsored S.Res.148, a resolution passed unanimously by the Senate that condemns the Iranian government for its persecution of its Baha’i minority and continued violation of the International Covenants on Human Rights. Moving forward, I will continue to monitor developments in Iran and support the right and well-being of its ethnic and religious minorities.

Thank you again for contacting me.



Tim Kaine


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