Sunday 23 February 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

33rd Azerbaijan Cycling Tour came to an End

33rd Azerbaijan Cycling Tour was completed in South Azerbaijan. This year’s tour is reported to be very quiet and unexciting. The final stage of the ’Azerbaijan cycling tour can was held in Tabriz on Friday. Belgium’s Tartelto became the champion...

33rd Azerbaijan Cycling Tour Began

Despite many obstacles, the 33th Azerbaijan Bike Tour was launched on September 30th. The first phase of the competition began in Tabriz (151 km) on the Tabriz-Urmiye route. In the second round, cyclists will travel from Urmia to Culfa for...

Azerbaijan Bicycle Tournament was Canceled by Iranian Regime

While the South Azerbaijani people are preparing for the “Azerbaijan Cycling Tour”, the government officials canceled the race under the pretext of “currency problem”. Tabriz Bicycling Board President Nasir Hushyar spoke to Persian news agency on Wednesday. “As in previous...

Innovation in tourism sector in cities of Tabriz and Urmia

Measures for innovation in the tourism sector have been started in the cities of Tabriz and Urmia of South Azerbaijan. Tabriz Municipality Tourism Development Agency’s Executive Director Rza Helili said that taxi drivers who speak English in Tebriz will serve...

Flow of Iranian Tourist to Turkey.

Novruz is the herald of spring, which is celebrated as a new year in Iran in March.Tourists from Iran are waiting for an intense trip this weekend that will host 280 Iranian tourists by April 3rd. Tourist who will go...

Qabala became the Capital of Islamic Tourism of 2020

Azerbaijan’s Qabala city was selected to be Islamic Tourism Capital of 2020. This was reported on Twitter page of the organization. The decision was made at the 10th OIC tourism ministry conference in Dhaka, Bangladesh. According to this decision, Azerbaijan...

South Azerbaijan- Tabriz City grows to become tourist hub (PHOTO)

Araz  News: Tabriz City’s Provincial officials are making efforts to hospitality two million tourists by 2018. Mohammad sadeq Pour-Mehdi, deputy governor-general of East Azerbaijan Province, has disclosed plans for developing tourism sector in Tabriz. According to the official, the country plans...

Profitable Chance To Extend Municipal Relations Between Tabriz-Turkey

Araz News: Tabriz municipality is to have more fruitful interactions with urban administration of Turkey, as a part of a comprehensive planning to boast desired tourism indexes of city by 2018, stated Mr. Sadegh Najafi, the mayor of Tabriz in meeting...

Tabriz City Selected As Exemplary Tourism city By OIC For 2018 (PHOTO)

Araz News:  The 9th Session of the Islamic Conference of Tourism Ministers (ICTM)  holds by  the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Niamey, the capital of Niger, on December 21-23. And Tabriz city one of the well-known city of South...