Flow of Iranian Tourist to Turkey.

Novruz is the herald of spring, which is celebrated as a new year in Iran in March.Tourists from Iran are waiting for an intense trip this weekend that will host 280 Iranian tourists by April 3rd. Tourist who will go by railroad to Van and will fly to Istanbul and Antaly will aslo have a chance to visit hotels in Bursa, Yalova and Black Sea. Intensive flow will fill 100 percent of hotels in Van, and 80% of hotels in Antalya and Istanbul, contributing more than 250 million dollars to Turkey’s economy during Novruz period. Turkey Travel Agencies Association (TÜRSAB) President Firuz Bağlıka stated that the amount of Iranian Tourists celebrating Novruz in Turkey, which was 250 thousand last year, will increase by 10 percent thus year. They also added that they estimate that close to 280 Iranians will come to Turkey. Bagliyaya, who stated that Iranian tourists usually prefer Van, Istanbul and Antalya as the first three, said that these three provinces would welcome almost to 180 thousand Iranian tourists. Bağlıka also stated that about 100 thousand people will be dispersed to different provinces in Bursa, Yalova, and Istanbul. Reminding that Iranian tourists have a passion to shopping and spending over a thousand dollars per person Bağlıkaya said that 60 Iranian tourists in this period will be accommodated in Van, the hotel will be filled 100 percent. He used the expressions that “ the craftsman in the city where Van Shopping Days will be arranged will greet tourists with a wide smiles.”
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