Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

25th Anniversary of “World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day ” Commemorated 

Araz News: 25th anniversary of World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day in Baku, capital of Republic of Azerbaijan, in BAO (United Azerbaijan Foundation). South Azerbaijani poet Houshang Jafari and musician Hasan Damirchi took part in the event and expressed viewpoints and emotions of people...

ANRO published a book for “Book Burning Day” Anniversary

Araz News: Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization has published a book titled “Colonialism” for the 69th anniversary of “Book Burning Day”. The book explains colonialist policies of Iranian state in South Azerbaijan. Book is in Farsi. Book Burning Day was held...

Tabriz Is the First Victim of Lake Urmia

Araz News: Head of Urmia Lake Restoration Program Mr. Isa Kalantari stated Tabriz, The largest city and historical capital of Azerbaijan will be the first victim of Lake Urmia disaster. In a meeting in Tabriz University he added: “Some good...

Statue of Prominent South Azerbaijani Poet will be Put in Izmir

Araz News: South Azerbaijani sources report two statues of prominent South Azerbaijani poet Mohammad Hossein Behjat Abadi known as “Shariyar” will be put in two streets in Turkey. One of the two statues will be put in Shariyar Street in...

Common Turkic History Textbook Is Ready

Araz News: In an interview to Anadolu News Agency (AA) of Turkey, Turkic Council Secretary General Azerbaijani diplomat Ramil Hasanov told common Turkic history textbook is ready and will be taught in 8th class in member state’s schools from 2016. He...

Azerbaijan National Government Martyrs Commemorated  

Araz News: In its 69th anniversary Azerbaijan National Government martyrs are commemorated in South Azerbaijan cities. According to gunaz.tv website South Azerbaijani activists have gathered at tomb of Feridun Ebrahimi in Tabriz cemetery and commemorated martyrs of Azerbaijan National Government....

Araz River; Symbol of Divided Azerbaijan

Araz News: At a certain historical period the lands to the north and south of the Araz River were unified as a natural geographical space under the name Azerbaijan. Political unification was more problematic when compared with the natural, geographical...

What US Media Said For South Azerbaijan 79 Uprising

Araz News: the current Islamic regime of Iran was established as an outcome of 1979 Islamıc Revolution. But the consolidation process of the regime was so bloody. New leader of country Ayatollah Khomeini and the ruling Islamic Republic Party crashed...

Informatory Activities in South Azerbaijan Due to Azerbaijan National Government Anniversary

Araz News: Informatory activities have been carried out in South Azerbaijan cities for 69th anniversary of Azerbaijan National Government. According to South Azerbaijani sources a booklet titled “Biz” (We) has been published and distributed in South Azerbaijani cities such as...

South Azerbaijani Activists Visit EU Parliamentarians

Araz News: South Azerbaijani sources report South Azerbaijani activists have visited European Union parliamentarians and informed them about problems in South Azerbaijan. They have discussed topics like situation of South Azerbaijani political prisoners, Lake Urmia disaster and Iranian regime’s discriminative...

FAO Warns about Lake Urmia Disaster’s Consequences

Araz News: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) warns about Lake Urmia drying disaster’s consequences. According to Urmia Lake Restoration Program’s website, a FAO official in Iran in a meet with East Azerbaijan province governor said water...

Common Turkic History and Literature Lessons will be given in Turkic Speaking State Schools

The Third Meeting of the Ministers of Education of the Turkic Council is held in Baku. The Third Meeting of the Ministers of Education of the Turkic Council is held in Baku. Secretary General Ambassador Ramil Hasanov moderated the meeting...

Beautiful Fall Days in Urmia

Aaz News: Urmia, as it called in Azerbaijani Turkish “Urmu” is old city with a very beautiful nature. The second largest city of South Azerbaijan has a charming beauty in autumn.

Parliamentarian to Officials: Inform People about Lake Urmia

Araz News: Mr. Javad Jahangir Zadeh, the parliamentarian who represents Urmia city in Iranian parliament severely criticized Urmia Lake Restoration Program’s officials stressing that they do not share enough information with people. Speaking to Urum News agency he told: “the...

Two Songs from South Azerbaijan

Araz News: “Heydar Baba” performed by “Group Barish (Peace)” Group Barish represented South Azerbaijan with this song in 2. Turkic World song contest “TURKVISION” in Tataristan, Kazan.   [youtube id=”effdvdEQnxc” width=”600″ height=”350″]   “Bu Ayrılıqdan” (From this Seperation) performed by...