Sunday 30 March 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

The birthday of Great Turkist Alparslan Türkeş

Many Turkist foundation organise program because of birthday of Turanist Commander Alparslan Türkeş who dedicated his life Turkism and pan-turanism. Alprslan Türkeş was born 25 November 1917 in Lefkoşa but originally he is from Kayseri. He entered in 1933 Kuleli Military Highschool because of interest and love to military service. He graduated in 1939 and pass to Cadet School. He join the army after the graduation of cadet school. He regularly got promoted and pass the exam of war Academy and adjourn the Academy. After a successful education period he graduated as staff officer. He arrested for organize Turkism march with big Turkist, turanist thinker Hüseyin Nihal Atsız in 1944. He opened Nationalist movement party and he fought for communism started 1944 until 90’s. In 90’s he sent people to Karabağ War for the freedom of Azerbaijan and he also support Azerbaijan. He had a close relationship between many of the leaders from Turkish World and first of all the Great Commandar of Azerbaijan Ebulfez Elçibey. Alparslan Türkeş passed on 4 April 1997.

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