Wednesday 17 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

16 Years Old Girl Died as a Result of Police Pursue

A young man and a girl traveling in Tabriz city of southern Azerbaijan were followed by patrol officers known as Irshad (Morality). As a result, a 16-year-old girl lost her life. The event took place on 26 April in Tabriz,...

Ruhani: on the Turkish Language and Tractor team.

Speaking to the public during a visit to Tabriz, South Azerbaijan, President Ruhani highlighted the expression “the fragrant flower of Iranian soil and a source of pride” for Turkish language. “I want to strengthen the Turkish language and literature from...

Iran’s president,Hasan Ruhani, on his visit to Tabriz city of South Azerbaijan, was confronted with the national slogans of Turkish people.

On Tuesday, April 24, Hasan Ruhani went to Tahti Stadium on his visit to Tabriz city. The South Azerbaijani Turks gathered in the Tahti Stadium met Ruhani by throwing national slogans instead of welcoming him. Some of the slogans were...

Iran became a prison for minorities

Perhaps, no one may be surprised by the rampage and injustice, taking place in Iran. Recently world mass media were writing about the Iranian police beating and dragging a woman along the ground, because her hijab was loose. This woman’s...

Analysis: Racism in the highest levels of the Iranian State

The racist statements were published in, related to president Ruhani, so-called reformist newspaper of Tehran «Kanun». It attracted the reaction of non-Persian nations in the country. On April 21, the newspaper made an interview with the deputy , Ali Yunisi....

Parliament Member Disassosiates Azerbaijani people with the Turks

Mesud Pezeskiyan, a member of the Iranian parliament of Tabriz, started a debate about insulting the Turks. Pezeskiyian broadcasted a video condemning anti-Turkish statements of President Ruhani’s special assistant to ethnic and religious minorities , made in an interview with...

Changing of the name of the Historical Market of Tabriz

Riza Paknahad, General Manager of the 8th Regional Municipal Administration of Tabriz, said that the renamed Tabriz market will be changed back to the historical name. According to the Department of Public Relations of the Municipal Administration, the director of...

Racist Arrests in Tehran

Today in Iranian capital Tehran a group of Armenians organised demonstrations. The Iranian government allowed Armenians to demonstrate and protest in the capital of the country. Meanwhile, 2 South Azerbaijani Turkish youths reacted without being indifferent to this situation. The...

Western Azerbaijani Parliamentarians Alert About State Tax Increase

Hadi Bahaduri, a deputy of the Iranian parliament of Urmia, the southern city of Iran, protested against the increase of state taxes. To do this he sent a letter to the Economy Minister and gave 10 days to reduce taxes,...

The broadcasting committee of the National Resistance Organization of Azerbaijan Published a special issue of “Toprak” magazine against terrorism.

A special issue of Toprak magazine was published on the occasion of the Sulduz week. The publication committee of the National Resistance Organization of Azerbaijan published the special issue of Toprak magazine on the occasion of the week of Sulduz....

Deputy: “Persian language is forcely taught to people”

Pezeshkiyan, a member of the Iranian parliament of the city of Tabriz of South Azerbaijan, said that people were forced to persecute to Persian language. Speaking at a ceremony celebrating the 70th anniversary of Tabriz Medical University on April 19th,...

Ertuğrul Sağlam With Tractor Fans

Coach Ertugrul from Turkey, as the head of Tabriz Tractor Sazi football team, almost fused with a South Azerbaijani supporters of Tractor football team as a Turk. Earlier in an interview with a newspaper in Turkey he stated; “Iran offered...

Araz News English Weekly Report and Analysis 21.04.2018

Response from the Urmiye MP to the Qanun Newspaper

Urmiye’s parliamentary deputy, Nadir Gazipur, has strongly criticized the newspaper, Qanun, that published an article against Turkish language. Erdebil’s parliamentary deputy Südiyif Bedri published an article on the mother tongue on the May 18, on the issue of the law...

Earthquake with 5.5 attitude occured in Nuclear Power Plant Region of Iran

There was an earthquake of 5.5 magnitude in the Buche city of Iran. According to data from the US Seismic Research Center, the depth of the depression center, which is 102 kilometers from Buchehr, was measured as 10 kilometers. The...