Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Lake Urmia disaster

South Azerbaijani MPs: insufficient budget for Lake Urmia rescue program

Several South Azerbaijani parliament members have expressed in seperate occasions that the budget assigned for Lake Urmia saving program for the next year is insufficient.

Mohammad Esmail Saidi, PM of Tabriz has said by this amount of budget Lake Urmia will get worse.
Another South Azerbaijani PM, Homayoun Hashemi stated: “Infact the Lake Urmia disaster is a regional problem but unfortunately authorities do not pay attention and in the next year’s budget, place of the Lake Urmia’s budget is empty.”

World’s second largest salt lake, the Lake Urmia has dry up during last years. It is due to mismanagment of water resources of the region. It’s spreading salt is destroying human and wild life in South Azerbaijan. But despite all protests and international calls Iranian regime does not take serious measures to rescue the lake.
Some experts say Iranian Islamic regime plans to force unrest Turkish population to the south due an artifact ecological disaster.

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