Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Urmu Lake Shrinked 23 Kilometers During Last Year

According to the Iranian News Agency (ISNA), Ferhad Serhos, Director of Urmu Lake Animation Agency of West Azerbaijan, said that drought caused huge water loss in the lake last year. Serhoş stated, “Urmu Lake covers the existing area is 2 thousand 276 kilometers. This shows that it has decreased by 23 kilometers compared to last year. ” The Iranian official said that the depth of the lake is 2 centimeters less than the last year. Before the drought, the lake had a surface area of 5,200 square kilometers. The deepest point was about 16 meters, but now a large part of the lake is dried up. It negatively affects the lifes of the people and the environment, agriculture and livestock. Revitalization the drought-stricken lake was one of the election promises that the President of Iran, Hasan Ruhani, that he did not fulfill yet. Despite that the budget allocated, according to offical data, was 6 bilion dollars in 10 years.

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