Azerbaijan’s Famous Singer Supports Urmia Lake Campaign

Chinare Malikzade, the well-known singer in the Republic of Azerbaijan, participated in the campaign “Seni Diyorlar”, launched by Southern Azerbaijan.
The singer, who always gave a special love to South Azerbaijan, joined the stream by singing the song.
Çinare Malikzade is very active in social networks especially on Instagram, she constantly spreads Azerbaijani culture and music.
Recently, Turks living in Tehran and all South Azerbaijan cities shared their enthusiasm in their own homes, streets, schools, stadiums and workplaces with this campaign. The song depicts the Urmia lake of the West Azerbaijan State. Our citizens are protesting against the drying of Urmia Lake with these songs.
Northern Azerbaijanis also participated in this dance campaign.
The singer Ibrahim (Tabriz) Alizadeh, who sings the song “Seni Diyorlar”, recently announced his intention to read the popular song on the ATV TV channel of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
My main purpose singing this song was to make people happy and create festivals. The aim was to report the Urmia Lake crisis and evaluate the Turkish language. I wanted to sing and listen to Turkish songs in South (Azerbaijan). We protect the Turkish people with Turkish songs. This song was written over 30 years ago and I’ve sung it mostly at the wedding and it doesn’t have any political character.
Alizade said, I tried to convey my message. Urmia Lake is very important for Azerbaijanis, we see the light of this lake as our own.
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