Turkish Journalist Brought attention to Urmia Lake Crisis

Prominent journalist of CNN television channels of the Republic of Turkey Hakan Çelik, brought attention to the Urmia Lake crisis.
A Turkish journalist who published the photo of Urmia Lake in Instagram wrote : “Urmu Lake is drying up. If no measures are taken, at least 16 million lives will be in danger. ”
The television presenter also said, “Urmia Lake, which is thought to be the largest lake in the Middle East, is expected to be dry. This image was taken during my visit to Tehran. ”
Hakan Çelik, visited Tehran, on 7 September, on the occasion of a meeting held by the Presidents of Turkey, Russia and Iran. He took the following image during his flight to Tehran.
For many years, the Urmia Lake crisis deepened and set up 95% of the lake. Right now, rains and sewage poured into the lake to prevent the Urmia lake from completely drying out. The Iranian state is not taking any practical steps to save the lake, and the Urmia Lake Animation Center reports that the project funds have not been paid to the center.
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