Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO)’s manifesto about terrorist incidents in Turkey and its impacts on South Azerbaijan

Araz News: The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO), or “Diranish” as it is popularly referred to in South Azerbaijan, has joined Azerbaijani rights organizations and declared its support for an Azerbaijani rights.

The ANRO issued the following statement:

Dear Turkish nation of South Azerbaijan and National activists of South Azerbaijan


Unpleasant events of the past few months in the Republic of Turkey and terrorist and criminal activities of terrorist organizations “PKK” in various cities of the Republic of Turkey and the negative effects in the region and also unacceptable actions of the terrorist group” PJAK” in West Azerbaijan and mafias support these terrorist groups financially led to destruction in these regions.

Consequently, fear and discomfort among people of South Azerbaijan increase day by day.


The PKK terrorist group established as a long-term project of world powers against Turkey and the Muslim nations of the Middle East and this terrorist group fully support by this world powers.

Accordance with this terrorism policy the Syrian branch of the PKK, known as” PYD” with the support of Assad’s army under the pretext of the fight against the terrorists of ISIL established. The main reason for founding this terrorist group PYD is the isolation of the Turkmans from Turkey and siege Turkey  from south part. In this regard the occupation of Turkmen territory, Killing many Turkmen in Syria and Turkmen ethnic cleansing in Syria has been done by the YPD.



Along with these painful events, the Iranian branch of the PKK terrorist organization attacked targets in the West Azerbaijan. Apparently, they fight against the Islamic Republic of Iran, actually, they are targeting Azerbaijani soldiers and officers and police.

The Iranian government, which for years has used the PKK terrorist group as mercenaries against Turkey, Kurdish opponents and the freedom movement of South Azerbaijan. Consequently, this messy politics of Iran affected moral and material South Azerbaijani people adversely, and, mutual trust of Azerbaijani Turkish to Fars political has been denied. This cause the determination of South Azerbaijani people to defend their historic lands in the West Azerbaijan be strong.




Turkish nation of South Azerbaijan and National activists of South Azerbaijan

The tragic events of the Middle East  resulted from Long-term policies adopted of superpowers for colonialism east nation and especially the Middle East. If take a look at the functioning of the dictatorial governments like “IS” or terrorist organizations “PKK”,” Al-Qaeda”. In fact, all all serving a same goal continue their governance and Sovereignty over resources and regional markets.

Since middle of the  Turks government of Qajar, the influential nationalist movement of Fars had increased dramatically. As a result of this, European missionaries and external factors were influenced Qajar government structure, this cause Oil companies and Masons to achieve their colonialist objectives in the region. Today, these centers “Oil companies and Masons and European missionaries “have known that the only people who have the capability to destroy all their plans with their union and power are Turk nations. So, all its force and energy have used to Neutralization and separation the Turkish troops in the region and the Turks of Azerbaijan (North and South), Iraq and Syria.

The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO), or “Diranish” as it is popularly referred to in South Azerbaijan believe that The tragedy in Syria, Supporting the criminal regime of Bashar al-Assad, The massacre of innocent people in Iraq, Terrorist acts in Turkey and West Azerbaijan by mercenaries as Isis – the PKK – PYD – PJAK have not been   Out of interest, and Determination of imperial super powers.

Turkish nation of South Azerbaijan and National activists of South Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO) disgusts to the terrorist activities of the PKK and its subsidiaries in Iran and Syria and strongly condemns the crimes of these terrorists group PKK – PYD – PJAK, and the Isis group which is  against humanity.

The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO) has sympathy with the families of victims of terrorism, especially in South Azerbaijan and the ANRO wish patience for the martyrs’ families.

The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO)  warns again mercenary leaders of the terrorist groups PKK – PYD – PJAK against mercenary politics and murder of innocent people and only result in hatred.

The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO) has invited all government officials, especially Turkic   in Iran and the region in politic and security sections  to be awake and sober. And declares  that foreign legion and Fars nationalist movement have targeted Azerbaijani people for  armed terrorist attack such sacrificial meat to forward its regional goals. We are telling our brothers and sisters as children of this Turk nation be aware and do their duty  for the sake of the homeland and its people.

Finally, The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO) has invited all activists of the national movement of South Azerbaijan to be  awareness and consciousness  and this Organization (ANRO) resists efforts to protect all parts of South Azerbaijan against terrorist groups with all its might. This Organization (ANRO) will do their national duty to defend their historical lands Until the last drop of blood.


The Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO)

Aug 17, 2015


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