Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Representative of Ardabil city said some facts about the Armenia nuclear power plant

Araz News:  A Member of Parliament from Ardabil, South Azerbaijan and the spokesperson to the Parliamentary Fraction of Environment of Iran, Mr. Kamalladdin Pirmuazzen told “Fars” News Agency that the pollutants’ entry to the Araz River have been threatening the lives of hundreds of thousands of residents of Ardebil Province.
According to Mr. Pirmuezzen, Armenia has been recklessly dispensing wastes of its Nuclear Power Plant and also its Aluminium Plant into Aras River and as a direct result, the resident of the region are suffering from upsurge of cancers in the region.

The MP further stated that cancers are killing thousands of residents annually and this must stop.
He said, the highly toxic and dangerous pollutants entry into the Aras River is the main cause of widespread cancers in the region and this has caused a lot of discontent among the residents.

Ardabil has been found to have the highest rate of cancers such as gastric cancer and cancer related mortality in Iran and one of the highest gastric cardiac cancer rates in the world.

Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant, Armenia

via southernazerbaijan

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