Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

USA: Plan to Finish Iran

Deputy Secretary of the United States Robert Palladino, in the closed to cameras briefing session, made a statement on sanctions that would get in action on November 5th. Palladino said that the US administration is committed to impose sanctions on...

Iraq Stopped Oil Export to Iran

Under the pressure of economic sanctions imposed on Iran by United States Iraq stopped the oil exports to Iran. It is reported that the shipment of crude oil from Iraq to Kirkuk will be stopped in the framework of US...

20 Iranian Firms were banned by the United States sanctions

The United States Treasury Department of Foreign Assets Control Office (OFAC) said in a statement that Bank Mellat and Mehr Eqtesad Bank, one of the leading banks in Iran, were added to the sanctions list. OFAC, imposing sanctions against the...

US to Iran: The Apocalyps would break!

President of the United States Donald Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the United Nations General Assembly held a series of dialogues with mutual needles and threats. While Trump threatened Iran with more sanctions, Rouhani accused the US President...

Another Impact on Iranian Economy! Volkswagen Stopped its Activities in Iran.

German automotive giant Volkswagen has decided to stop most of its activities in Iran because of unilateral sanctions imposed on Tehran by the United States. According to the news of Bloomberg, a US official, the US administration, which imposed unilateral...

US Call for Resistance against Iran

US Central Command (CENTCOM) Commander Gen. Joseph Votel has called on the Gulf states to leave their disputes to an end, to threaten Iran’s stability and to unite against radical organizations. US CENTCOM Commander Gen. Joseph Votel said in a...

Total Company Withdrawal from Iran put 80 Billion Dollars to waste

Iran, where the day-to-day economy is worsening and many foreign companies have decided to abandon, had to explain the damage of the French oil company to the country. Iranian Parliamentary Budget and Planning Commissioner Huseyin Ali Hajji Deligani stated that...

Another big Company Withdraws from Iran

Iran’s oil minister Namdar Zengene announced that the French company TOTAL officially withdrew from Iran after the US sanctions decisions for the firm that did business with Tarhan. “TOTAL officially withdrew from the contract on the development of the Southern...

Japan withdraws Deals with Iran.

Prior to that, Japan had explained that it would stop banking transactions with all financial institutions connected with Iran. Japan is preparing to end oil imports from Iran in about 3 months. According to the Nikkei Asian Review published in...

Once Again Iran Faces Corruption

Iranian Judiciary Spokesman Gulam Hussein Muhsini Ejei said that some corrupted corporates were taken into custody for not following the fixed exchange rate policy. According to the Mizan news agency, the Iranian judiciary, Ejei reminded that the dollar has a...

Missile Duel between Israel and Iran …

After US President Trumps decision to withdraw from Iran without a nuclear deal, Israel and Iran started attacks on each other. Iranian forces in Syria shot Israeli military elements in the Golan Heights. Israel responded with attacks on Iranian targets...

Davut Turan Appraised US Nuclear Agreement Decommissioning Decree

Is it the pressure of Israel that Trump breaks its nuclear deal with Iran? Or was it his plan? Where are European countries located in these plans? As Araz News, we directed these questions to Davut Turan. Here are Turan’s...

Babek Çelebiyanli evaluated US Nuclear Agreement Decommissioning Decision

Did America come to terms with a just cause? Why did the Ruhani speak too hard on this? What kind of future does the American Bercam (nuclear agreement) have? We asked the questions of the political researcher and Resistance Spokesman...

Iran is shrinking with under the pressure around the Islamic Republic.

Analysis US President Donald Trump officially announced his withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran. The content of the decision followed by the whole world was harder than expected. Turmp announced that all existing embargoes and sanctions will come back...