Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Commemorate the 11th anniversary of South Azerbaijan “May 22” uprising in USA (VIDEO+PHOTO)

Araz News:Many political activists and human right activists have Commemorated  11th anniversary of South Azerbaijan “May 22” uprising in Washington -US on 21 of May 2017. At the end of the peaceful demonstration a final statement was read by ANRO’s spokesperson Mr....


Araz News:On 19 May 2017, the Iranian people will go to the polls to elect the next President of the Islamic Republic. The vote will be an important test for the current president Rouhani, looking for another term, and could have important consequences...

For Iran’s ethnic minorities, whoever wins the election they lose

Rahim Hamid With Iran’s presi­dential elec­tion soon taking place, media in the country are con­stantly reporting on tensions between Iranian hardliners and so-called reformists as contenders are vying for the leadership. Whatever the outcome of the election, however, Iranian people...

Mine Incident Fatalities Reaches 43 in Turkmen Sahra region

Araz News:The Iranian regime’s officials and state media announced on Tuesday that the number of victims of a deadly explosion last week at a coal mine in northern Iran has reached 43. Reza Marvati, the Iranian regime’s Deputy Governor of...

Dialogue With Iran Is Impossible, Saudi Arabia’s Defense Minister Says

Araz News:Saudi Arabia’s powerful deputy crown prince slammed the door Tuesday on the prospect of dialogue with Iran, the kingdom’s regional rival, accusing it of following an “extremist ideology” and seeking to take over the Muslim world. The prince, Mohammed bin...

Hidden reality of violence against women in Iran

Araz News:Iranian women endure systematic gender discrimination as second class citizens in Iran, they are deprived of fundamental rights. Of course, the situation of Iranian women is slightly better than their peers in Middle-East, but, they undergo many hardships under...

Trump Adviser Seeks Political Deal To Settle Iran Sanctions Case

Araz News:A close ally of U.S. President Donald Trump is lobbying U.S. prosecutors to go easy on a man charged with helping Iran evade U.S. sanctions because he could be a potential bargaining chip in a political deal with Turkey....

A look at Iran’s presidential candidates

Araz News:Iran has announced the final list of candidates for next month’s presidential race, which will largely serve as a referendum on the 2015 nuclear deal with world power.President Hassan Rouhani is widely seen as the front-runner, but could face...

North Azerbaijan and Turkey will hold joint tactical exercises – VIDEO

Araz News:In accordance with the agreement on military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey, live-fire joint tactical exercises of the Armed Forces of the two countries will be held for the period from 1st to 5th May. The tactical exercises informed in the...


Araz News:Surprising and sudden news is shaking an already-heated pre-election process in Iran. No single person or poll can claim to reflect the popular mood, meaning the election process in Iran always remains unpredictable ,ahwazmonitor reported on 20th April 2017....

Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati Has Ordered Disqualification of Religious Minorities in Elections

Araz News:Just one week before parliament is to approve a list of candidates, a letter published this week by Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, the head of the Guardian Council, declared it is against Sharia (Islamic law) for non-Muslims to be candidates...

The Hideous Insult to The People of South Azerbaijan on a local Newspaper of Iran regime:” Flood Disaster Has Taken Its Audience”

Araz news: Iran’s local newspaper SHAHRVAND (Citizen) affiliated with the reformists, on its front page headline on Sunday, April 16 allocated its front page to Azerbaijan flood victims and described the victims as to blame on 16 th May. According...

Turkey Interior Minister:PKK has 11 new generation missiles in northern Iraq

Araz News:The outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has 11 new generation missiles in northern Iraq, Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu has stated, saying this is a result of ties between the PKK and the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), an...

60 Dead And Missing Due to Floods in South Azerbaijan Cities- Inadequate First Aid and Minimal Media Coverage Reported (video-photos)

Araz News:On Friday 14th May 2017, 60 civilians were killed and missing due to flooding in the cities of South Azerbaijan; Zanjan, Urmia, Ajab-Shir, Tabriz, Azar-Shar, Sulduz, Oshnavieh and  many villages. The counties of Ajab-Shir and Azar-Shahr suffered the heaviest...


Araz News: Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he would “not be surprised” if Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was assassinated in the country’s upcoming presidential election next month, in an interview published Monday newsweek reported . In comments made to...