Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Ethnical Diversity Is a Cultural Threat: Revolutionary Guard Commander

Araz News: Revolutionary Guard (Sepah) Commander of Alborz province, “Ali Ostad Hosseini” said Dervishes, Bahaiis, Satanists and ethnical diversity are serious cultural threats for Alborz province, speaking in an interview with “Kamal Mehr” web site on 12nd November 2014. He...

US Office of Inspector General Responds ANRO’s Complaint

ComplaintAraz News: After ANRO spokesman Mr. Babek Chalabiyanli addressed a protest letter to the US Office of Inspector General (OIG) about the restriction of news and information on Iran’s ethnic Azerbaijanis in the VOA Farsi service, the OIG has responded the...

Veteran South Azerbaijani Political Prisoner Commemorated

Araz News: Most veteran South Azerbaijani political prisoner Safar Qahramanian has been commemorated at Emamzadeh Taher cemetery of Karaj city on 10th November 2014. Safar Qahramanian who was an army officer of Azerbaijan National Government (1945-46) spent 32 years in...

ANRO Wrote Letter of Protest to VOA

Araz News: ANRO Wrote Letter of Protest to VOA. The letter is addressed to Mr. Jeffrey Shell, the Chairman of Broadcasting Board of Governors and is signed by ANRO official Mr. Babek Chalabiyanli. The letter is as below:   October...

ANRO: Dialog and Coordination Committee before Parliament in Exile for South Azerbaijan

Araz News: Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization (ANRO) has stated in a statement that idea of establishing parliament in exile for South Azerbaijan is useful and necessary and that the parliament in exile can channelize and bring to gather the separate...

“Shariatmadari” Book Published in Turkey

Araz News: A book about “Ayatullah Shariatmadari” has been published in Turkey. The book is written by Babak Shahed, head of research committee of Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization and editor in chief of Araz News website, and published by Gece...

Short Film about Lake Urmia Wins Reward

Araz News: A short film about Lake Urmia, made for mobiles, has been rewarded in a festival in Tehran. The short film “Inam” (Believe) made by South Azerbaijani director Ali Reza Salman Pour, wined reward in the “Report of a...

Highest Level of Rainfall in 60 Years / Lake Urmia Water Level 35cm Risen

Araz News: Urmia Lake Restoration Program’s website reports rainfall in West Azerbaijan province has reached to its highest level in 60 years. According to the official website water level of the Lake Urmia has risen up 35cm. For the first...

South Azerbaijani Athletic the Best in the World

Araz News: “World Wide Jobs” web site has made a vote to determine the best volleyball player of the world. South Azerbaijani volleyball player Saeid Marouf is one of the ten nominated players who is capitan of national volleyball team of...

Iranian Police Cracked Down on Anti-terrorism Demonstration in West Azerbaijan

Araz News: South Azerbaijani sources report thousands of people have participated in anti-terrorism protest demonstration in Urmia, West Azerbaijan, on Thursday, 16th October. But Iranian police has cracked down on demonstrators and stopped the nonviolent demonstration by force. Eye witnesses...

President Rouhani: Salt Storms Blow Ten Provinces

Araz News: In his fifth live address president Rouhani stated salt storms rising from dried Lake Urmia can blow ten provinces of Iran. “Lakes we lost, like Hamoun, will not come back easily, but we think about them. I really...

Wide support for 16 October Anti-terror Rally in Urmia

Araz News: One day before mass anti-terror rally in Urmia, the support of that has widened thoroughly. While thousands of call leaflets has been distributed in the Urmia city, nearly all Azerbaijani web sites, Facebook pages and bloggers are making...

Demonstration against Terrorism in West Azerbaijan

Araz News: South Azerbaijani activists make calls for demonstration against armed terrorist organizations in West Azerbaijan. According to announcements published in South Azerbaijani web sites a public rally is being planned to be take place on 16th October, Thursday in...

South Azerbaijan; A Short Video

[youtube id=”zsRrghDZRgs” width=”600″ height=”350″]

UN Report on Lake Urmia; 600,000 Have Migrated; 5 Million Will Be Forced to Migration

Araz Newws: UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ahmed Shaheed has given information about Lake Urmia environmental disaster, in his October 2014 report. The report informs that while according to official...