Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Demonstration against Terrorism in West Azerbaijan

Araz News: South Azerbaijani activists make calls for demonstration against armed terrorist organizations in West Azerbaijan. According to announcements published in South Azerbaijani web sites a public rally is being planned to be take place on 16th October, Thursday in a central square of Urmia, the capital of West Azerbaijan province.

The rally aims to condemn activities of terrorist organization such as PKK and its Iranian branch PEJAK as well as the terrorist IS.

Note that provocations of armed terrorist organizations, who try to abuse the Kurdish minority of the region, has a long history and goes back to second half of the 19th century.

Recent bloody activities of Iranian branch of PKK, which is announced as a terrorist organization by UN, EU and US; is a major concern of Azerbaijani people.

Within the past weeks and after assaults on Kobani city in Syria by the terrorist IS, supporters of PKK in West Azerbaijan have widened their activities for so called support for Kobani, but actually they see the case of Kobani as an opportunity to make propaganda for terrorist PKK and its PEJAK.

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