Monday 24 February 2025

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website

News Headlines:

Azerbaijani Activists Commemorate Political Prisoners

Araz News: South Azerbaijani right activists of Zanjan city has commemorated and honored political prisoners. The activists who came together in the birth day of South Azerbaijani political prisoner Said Matin Pour in his home made speeches and discussed situation...

South Azerbaijani activist Ibrahim Rashidi is released from Tabriz Prison

Araz News: South Azerbaijani activist Ibrahim Rashidi is released from Tabriz central prison after serving seven month imprisonment on Wednesday September 17. According to the report of Tabriz sesi (voice of Tabriz) Rashidi the Azerbaijani political activist, who was arrested...

Suppression on Azerbaijani Activists Continues

Araz News: Iranian judiciary and security forces’ suppression on South Azerbaijani right activists continue. News about new imprisonments, detentions, dismissals and etc. are published frequently. Some most recent cases are as below; 3-year imprisonment verdicts of three activists named Rasoul...

Five South Azerbaijani Activists Sentenced to Imprisonment

Araz News: Five South Azerbaijani right activists from city of Miandoab have been sentenced to imprisonment by a court in West Azerbaijan Province. The activist Dariush Andalibian is sentenced to 9 months in prison while activists Habib Manafi Azar, Javad...

The latest news about Azerbaijani activists who were arrested on the mountain reatreat

Araznews: A number of activists from the Azerbaijan National Movement has been arrested on Savalan mountain retreat on the 14th of August, 2014. The below are the names individuals. 1. Rahim Qulami 2. Aydin Zakir 3. Jafar Rostami 4. Saeed...

South Azerbaijani political prisoner Y.Mehr-Ali bayli is released for 5 days

Araz News: South Azerbaijani political prisoner Yurush Mehr-Ali bayli is released from Jolfa prison for 5 days furlough after about 18 months imprisonment. Mehr- Ali bayil was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment on charges of forming an illegal group (Yeni...

Many South Azerbaijani Right Activists Arrested

Araz News: South Azerbaijani resources report many right activists are arrested in Ardabil city of South Azerbaijan. Reportedly South Azerbaijani right activists are arrested by security forces during a meeting in Savalan Mountain near Ardabil. Activists are arrested on 14...

Human Rights Activist, Seyed Jamal Hosseini found dead in Turkey

Seyed Jamal Hosseini, editor of HRANA found dead in Turkey   Seyed Jamal Hosseini (Esfandiar Baharmas), editor and a senior member of Human Rights Activists in Iran (HRANA), was found dead in his office by Turkish authorities last night. Authorities...

South Azerbaijani jurnalist Said Matinpur is released for 3 days on a heavy bail

South Azerbaijani jurnalist Said Matinpur is released from prison for 3 days furlough after 5 years imprisonment. Said Matinpur is released on 500,000,000 Iranian Toman bail. Matinpure was sentenced to 7 years imprisonment on charges of spying and another 1 year...

Three South Azerbaijani Activists Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison

Araz News: Three South Azerbaijani activists named Rasoul Razavi, Hossein Ali Mohammadi and Taha Kermani sentenced to a total 7 years in prison by Revolutionary Court Tabriz branch. South Azerbaijani sources report the judge Bagher Pour has sentenced Mr. Rasoul...

amnesty international: Free Latif Hasani Immediately

Amnesty International: DOCUMENT – IRAN: HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST ON HUNGER STRIKE IN IRAN   UA: 169/14 Index: MDE 13/039/2014 Iran Date: 4 July 2014 URGENT ACTION HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST ON HUNGER STRIKE IN IRAN Human rights activist Latif Hasani, a...

Dr. Latif Hasani Is Transferred to Evin Prison’s Quarantine While Continues to Hunger Strike (Updated)

Araz News:   26.06 Dr. Hasani, secretary general of New South Azerbaijan Awaking Movement has been transferred to Evin Prison’s quarantine while he continues to hunger strike. He began to hunger strike on May 18.   19.06 Dr. Latif Hasani...

Dr. Asadi Transferred into Solitary Cell after Beginning Hunger Strike

Araz News: Human rights organizations reports, South Azerbaijani political prisoner Dr. Asadollah Asadi is transferred into solitary cell in Ward 240 of Evin Prison after he begun hunger strike. Its 4 years that 64-old prisoner is imprisoned. Rights activists say...

Court hearing for seven Sunni prisoners ‘deliberately’ cancelled

A court hearing to hear the charges against seven Sunni prisoners of conscience was cancelled after the court-appointed lawyers and representatives from the Ministry of Intelligence failed to turn up. “This delay in processing the charges against these seven prisoners...

An Azerbaijani political activist released on heavy bail

Akbar Azad, the Azerbaijani activist who was arrested on International Mother Tongue’s Day, has been released on bail. According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Akbar Azad, the Azerbaijani political activist, who was arrested on charge...