Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Five detainees of Tractor-Alain match transferred to central prison of Tabriz

Araz News: Akbar Mohajeri, Mehdi Samadian, Nikbakht Samadian, Masoud Baleghi and Behzad are five South Azerbaijani right activists who are transferred to central prison of Tabriz. They were arrested during Tractor-Sazi of South Azerbaijan and Alain of UAE football match...

Many South Azerbaijani civil rights activists are in jail

Araz News: Many South Azerbaijani civil rights activists are in jail Iranian state suppresses south Azerbaijani right activists. Many South Azerbaijani civil rights activists are in jail in Iran, some sentenced to long term imprisonment, some under interrogation and some...

Imminent execution of two Ahwazi Arab political prisoners

By Rahim Hamid Urgent news: Concern is growing over the fate of two Ahwazi Arab death row prisoners by the name of Ali Chibashat and yasin Mousavi who were transferred from Dezful Prison to an undisclosed location and there is...

UN Rapporteur Slams Iran for Lack of Judiciary Independence and Execution Surge

Ahmed Shaheed, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, released his third report to the UN Human Rights Counciltoday, emphasizing alarm over the surge in the number of executions, as well as lack of independence of...

An imprisoned trade unionist is exiled to Ghezel Hesar Prison

Shahrokh Zamani, the political prisoner in ward 12 of Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj has been exiled to Ghezel Hesar Prison.   According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Shahrokh Zamani, the imprisoned trade unionist has...

Rouhani’s alleged plans to give education in mother tongues

Araz News: Iranian government sources say president Rouhani has plans to give education in mother tongues to non-Persian peoples of Iran. Mr. Younesi, president’s aid on ethnics and minorities’ affairs and governors of West Azerbaijan and East Azerbaijan provinces have...

Seven South Azerbaijani Activists Sentenced

Araz News: A court in Ardabil province of South Azerbaijan (Northwestern Iran) sentenced seven Azerbaijani activists to jail and whip. Reportedly the 101st branch of provincial criminal court of Ardabil convicted the seven activists each to 3 mounts in jail...

The Ahwazi Arab women On the international woman day

It is heartbreaking when we think about the abject and inhuman treatment that the Ahwazi Arab women receive on a daily basis. They suffer double persecution by the Iranian regime due to their ethnicity and gender. This happens in every...

Saeed Matinpour Azerbaijani journalist need medical care in evin prison

After months of effort by imprisoned journalist Saeed Matinpour’s family to obtain medical treatment for him, the Prosecutor’s Office has maintained its silence, his wife told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran… “The prisoners at Evin face a...