Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Azerbaijani Activists Commemorate Political Prisoners

Araz News: South Azerbaijani right activists of Zanjan city has commemorated and honored political prisoners.

The activists who came together in the birth day of South Azerbaijani political prisoner Said Matin Pour in his home made speeches and discussed situation of political prisoners including Said Matin Pour.

The event has taken place on 19th September 2014.

Note that Said Matin Pour’s birth day has been named as “Azerbaijan’s Political Prisoners Day” by South Azerbaijani activists.


Said Matin Pour, a South Azerbaijani human rights activist and journalist has been sentenced to 8 years in prison being charged of propaganda against Islamic regime and action against national security. He is serving the verdict in Evin prison of Tehran.

While Said Matin Pour is suffering from health problems such as chronic headache and kidney malfunction he is deprived of his legal rights and even has been tortured for many times.

Said Matin Pour was boron on 20th September 1975 in Zanjan city of south Azerbaijan.

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