Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Water crisis in Iran: Causes, consequences and perspectives

If the 20th century can be called “the Age of Oil” the 21st century can become “the Age of Water”. As the population grows and agricultural development expands, water consumption also increases. And while certain countries suffer from floods, a...

Electricity Shutdowns in South Azerbaijan Made People Protest.

In recent days, there have been major outages in the cities of South Azerbaijan and the problem has caused our citizens to be sharply disturbed. According to the report, after the hot weather in the region, the Iranian Ministry of...

Water Crysis and Protests in Iran!

In Iran, where the economic crisis can not be rectified anyhow, the people went out on the streets because of thirst in the city of Hürremşehr. Water flowing from the tap is salty, the people of Hurremşehr are buying drinking...

Real Numbers of Unemployment in South Azerbaijan are Hidden from the Public

“Let’s not let people mislead us with false information. The statistical figures do not reflect the real unemployment rate in Eastern Azerbaijan. ” Tabriz Chamber of Commerce Board Member Cemşid Barzger on 28 June at a press conference on the...

Araz News English Weekly Report And Analysis 30.06.2018

Iranian Fascists attacked the Turkmen football player, Serdar Azmun

Last Wednesday evening, at the World Cup games, the Iranian soccer team was defeated in a game against the Spain. After this defeat, Turkmen football player, Serdar Azmun, was attacked by a group of racist Persians. According to Araz News...

Another Example of Dictatorship in Iran

Iranian religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called on the judiciary to take action against “those who break economic security in the country”. Iranian Judiciary President Larijani also showed an example of a dictatorship and learned that those who manipulated the...

Toshak Arrived at Tabriz City

Tebriz’s Tractor football team’s new coach, John Benjamin Toshack, entered the city to work. A prominent Uels expert was greeted enthusiastically by the supporters of the tractor when he arrived at the Tabriz International Cultural Center, which thanked all team...

Economic Crysis Causes Mass Protests in Iran

A group of tradesmen gathered in Tehran to protest the economic problems in Iran and the rise in the exchange rate. The shutters were closed and the images showing that the shopkeepers walking the police intervention in front of the...

In Iran Turkish Ashyk Culture is in Danger

The head of the Western Azerbaijani Art Institute criticized the attitude of local people to local Ashiks and said that this approach prevented artists, especially Ashik, from being recognized abroad. Ehed Hushmend spoke to the ISNA news agency on the...

Another Execution in Iran

In Iran, another person was sentenced to death for murder and carried confinement cells. According to the information given by Iranian legal advocates, Sabir Ali Mard, a 27-year-old defendant who committed murder for unknown reasons six years ago in central...

Social Crysis Opens Doors to Harrasment

Analysis The Iranian society is shaken by the increasing Sexual harassment and rape incidents . Over the last few months, many mass rape reports has spread in social media. Among them: Salman Khodadadi, the deputy of the Iranian parliament, is...

Scandalous Message from Iranian Government.

The Iranian government at every opportunity intimidates the Turks in South Azerbaijan and Turkey. The spokesman of the Iranian Chief General Staff Brigadier Ebulfazl Sikarci said that Iran did not support the military operation that the Turkish Armed Forces launched...

Date of the arrival of the New coach of the Tabriz Tractor Team was announced.

Former Real Madrid coach John Benjamin Toshack, signed a three-year contract with Tebriz’s Tractor football club. The new technical director of Tebriz’s Tractor soccer team, John Benjamin Toshack, has decided to work for the Azerbaijani team and is expected to...

Confusing situation of the Iranian Banks supporting Terrorist Organisations

Tehran deputy Mahmud Sadiqi, well known reformists in Iran, has claimed that the terrorist organization ISIS has been using the Iranian banking system to make money in the past years. Sadıki Official Twitter account of the controversial legislative talks in...