Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

The Decision of Separation of Male and Female Students in Urmiye University

The Department of Security of the Urmiye University (Department of Harassment) forbade male and female students to sit side by side at the university.

In connection with the inhumane decision, the security department hung warning posters on the walls of the university’s garden.

According to the decision of the University Security Department, girls and boys are not allowed to sit in the same room. Only under certain conditions, the letter of instruction of the teacher to the security department will be checked with the administration of the hall and then authorized to do so.

In recent years, girls and boys from Iranian universities have been forced to work in separate classes. Earlier; Amir Kebir, Şerif, Allamah, Tabatabai, Mazandaran, Yezd, University of Applied Sciences, Veramin Azad University, Mashad Firdevsi University, Kazvin International University and many other banned studying in the same class.

The non-human plan implemented by the Iranian regime in the religious curriculum is against the rights of women and the Azerbaijani teachers and students have always been opposed to this plan.

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