Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Iranian Government Telgram Ban Does not Work

Iran’s most popular messaging application Telegram has been denied access, although 79 percent of users have continued to use the application.

Iranian deputy Muhammad Nasimi says attempts to ban the Telegram have failed. Kazımı said that 79 percent of Telegram users continue to use the program and point out that “Almost all of the people who use the program before the access to the telegram wass disabled continue to use the program after the program is filtered. The plan to filter the telegram was a huge failure. ”

The Iranian Parliamentary deputy, who has been quoted by ICNA news agency, said the restrictions are causing adverse reactions, “Restrictions can not reach us at all. We must take precautionary measures instead of restraints. ”

Telegram stands out as the most popular messaging application in Iran despite the ban. The program was introduced on April 30 by the judiciary. Before the Telegram was banned, it was used by some 40 million people in a country with a population of 80 million. Iranian President of the Supreme Council of Siber Alem Ebulhasan Firuzabadi announced that in the week following the ban on foreign messaging applications, 12 million Iranian users have gone to domestic messaging applications, mainly Soroush. According to a report released on Saturday, it was noted that users continue to use the application through filter crushing programs.

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