Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Bare racism in Iran

Racist Slogans against South Azerbaijani Turks during Football Match in Tehran

During a football match on 29th December between Perspolis team of Tehran and Tractor team of South Azerbaijan forty thousands of Iranian supporters sounded racist slogans against Turks, shouting “Donkey Turk”!
While the match was on live broadcasting the racist slogans sounded many times and the Iranian state TV aired it.
Chanting racist slogans especially against Azerbaijani Turks and Arabs is a wide spread phenomenon in Persian populated cities of Iran. According to international laws and regulations Iranian authorities must take legal action against such events but usually Iranian officials do not take any steps because anti-Arab and Anti-Turk resist tendency is a very deep phenomenon in Persian society.
After the 29th December football match some South Azerbaijani parliament members such as Nader Ghazi Pour, Hemayat Mirzade, Reza Karimi, Hamza Amini and Hadi Bahadori protested and denounced the event and demanded legal action.

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