Tuesday 16 July 2024

Araz News

Azerbaijan National Resistance Organization News Website
araznews2010@gmail.com www.araznews.org

News Headlines:

Highest Level of Rainfall in 60 Years / Lake Urmia Water Level 35cm Risen

Araz News: Urmia Lake Restoration Program’s website reports rainfall in West Azerbaijan province has reached to its highest level in 60 years. According to the official website water level of the Lake Urmia has risen up 35cm. For the first time in recent years water level of the Lake Urmia is higher in compare with the same month of previous year.

Head of the restoration program, Mr. Kalantari says at least 10 years is needed to rescue the lake and to reach this goal the lake needs to be at the same level at least for three years. Otherwise the lake will disappear forever.

Latest photos of Lake Urmia. Left: 26 September 2014. Right: 8 October 2014


The graphic shows the water level of Lake Urmia in the current year and last year

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